chapter 47 (nsfw)

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- heyyyy. so one of you guys actually had this idea for a nsfw chapter and i forget who but full credit goes to you cause it was genius😌

- i'm also like SUPER happy with how this chapter turned out so i hope you guys enjoy😚

Almost two months flew by as if it were nothing. Work was still as fun as ever and despite all of the messing around and mess ups we managed to get episode one finished and part of episode two. Our directors decided to switch things up and film a few of the quicker scenes separately so we spent a lot of time practicing lines for random scenes between episode 2 and 3.

Marco and Venus ended up finding another project to work on that Marco would actually be included in meaning they were traveling for another 2 months... All of us were upset and knew it would suck that he was still gone for so long but it was for his career and his girlfriend and we respected it was for the best.

Today happened to be the day the directors decided to film my death scene, which I was pretty upset about considering this was one of the final scenes i'd be doing on set except for a couple others. I wasn't exactly ready to say goodbye to my character either but I knew the day would come eventually.

"Babe!" Jean yelled, walking into the living room.

He wore a loose fitted muscle shirt and a pair of shorts, ready to go to the gym with Connie. "Go put some clothes on." I teased as he rolled his eyes. "You aren't even wearing pants right now." He motioned to my bare legs, making his way over to the kitchen and pulling out his pre-workout. "Anyway, I have a question." He turned to me, leaning against the counter.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Will you come to the gym with me?" He smiled. "Connie said he doesn't wanna go cause then he'll have to get up and we have work later and a bunch of other shit and I don't like going by myself." He frowned.

"Babe... I'm not much of a 'gym' person." I sighed. "Last time I went some dude kept staring at me and then nonchalantly tried grabbing my ass-""and I'll kill someone who even breaths near you." He smiled again. "So come on. You don't even have to work out if you don't want. Just spot me." He begged. "Please, baby. I'll do anything."

"Anything?" I smirked.

"I'm scared."

"I'll go get ready." I smiled, standing from the couch.

"Not until I know what you'll be doing." He stated, fear in his voice as he watched me walk down the hallway. "Babe, please tell me." He pleaded, following me into the bedroom.

I turned to him, a small smile on my face. "I've been thinking..."

"About?" He asked, a nervous look on his face.

"I think I'm ready to become a mother." I smiled.

"Uh- wow- babe-" his face grew a dark red as he stuttered. "That's- I mean- good for you but this seems a bit sudden? Last week you told a baby who was crying in the grocery store to 'shut the fuck up' so I think we're missing a few parenting requirements here." He awkwardly laughed.

"I don't mean a baby, stupid." I laughed. "I wanna get a puppy!"

"A puppy?" He raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm down but this is also very sudden and puppies are a lot of work. Plus, we're at the studio all the time a-" "but they're so cute." I smiled. "And if we get a smart breed, we might be able to have it around the studio with us like a little mascot."

"So, to get this straight," he laughed. "If you go to the gym with me... you want me to get you a puppy?" He slowly asked as I nodded. "Exactly."

"I mean, deal." He shrugged. "I love dogs." He smiled.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now