chapter 3

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"Now or never, Mikasa." Eren spoke before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"CUT!" The sound of the clapperboard smacking together echoed throughout the studio.

"I-I'm sorry." Eren choked out between laughs.

"Get him down, we're taking a break until he decides to stop acting like a child." Levi groaned, taking a sip of his tea.

Eren pulled his hair up into a bun and outta his face as he jumped down from his prop titan form. "Here." I laughed, handing him a water bottle.

It felt good to be back on set after over a month. The break was nice but I missed goofing off with everybody.

"Come on, Eren. It's her big entrance, at least take it seriously." Reiner chuckled, fixing his red armband.

"Yeah yeah, maybe if you and Zeke weren't goofing off." He nudged Reiner's arm, taking a sip of the water I had handed him. I rolled my eyes. "Ignore them, Zeke's just being an annoying brother." I teased, knowing Zeke was behind me. "It's my job." He laughed.

"(Y/n)!" I heard my name being whisper yelled and I turned to see Sasha peaking out of her dressing room, waving her hand for me to come in her direction.

I turned, lightly jogging over to her before going into the room to see Historia helping Hange tie her straps to her uniform and Ymir sitting on the couch watching her girlfriend go to work.

"I need you to help me put this stupid harness on." Sasha whined, the straps hanging off her sides in a tangled mess. I laughed, shaking my head before helping the girl. She stood munching on her bag of potato chips as I finished clipping the last buckle together. "Done!" I smiled.

"Thank you so much!" She smiled, walking over the to the full body mirror to examine herself.

There was a sudden knock on the door making me jump slightly. "Come in!" Ymir yelled.

The door slowly opened to reveal Marco, Jean, and Floch. "(Y/n), Sasha, Erwin told us to come get you guys." Marco smiled. "Ooooh it's timmmme!" Sasha cheered, placing her food down before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the room.

"Did Eren finally cooperate?" I laughed, asking the group.

"Nah, him and Zeke kept tormenting each other so they decided to just move onto you, Jean and Floch's scene." Marco stated as we walked over to the set. I nodded before glancing over at Jean and Floch.

We entered the large room, the huge green screen hanging from the ceiling and down onto the floor. There was a prop building roof sitting on top of it and 6 actors in the marley uniform standing in position, chatting away.

"Put these on." Levi came over, handing us our odm gear which was much different from the old ones we had to wear. Jean and Floch helped put each other's on and Levi helped me. "Thanks." I mumbled as he clicked the last strap together.

"Taking all this shit off isn't gonna be fun." Floch groaned.

"It's really not gonna be that hard. Putting it on was the hard part and we're gonna have to get used to it since we'll be doing it daily." Jean stated, strapping the thunder spear to his arm.

"Ya knowwww, he's righhhht." Hange sung, throwing an arm around Floch's shoulders, knowing it'd irritate him. "Better just get used to it." She poked his cheek.

Floch was as irritating as his character. He sucked up to Erwin like crazy and was basically up Erens ass all day. Him and Mikasa barely got a moment alone on set cause Floch was always parading in the room. We all tried getting along of course but there's been so many times I simply wanted to punch him.

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