chapter 14

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-helloooo. it has come to my attention that my story was posted on tik tok (ya'll should follow me @ jeansmainbb where i literally just post abt aot) anyway i just wanna say thank you so much for all the nice comments and support. y'all's comments make my day fr. anyway i hope you enjoy the rest of this story because there's much more to come :)

I smiled as Sasha and I unlocked the door to our apartment, making our way into the the familiar living room. "God it feels good to be home." I smiled, throwing my body onto the cozy couch, immediately sinking into the soft cushions wanting to do nothing other than fall asleep. "I'm so happy to be off for two weeks. I need a break." I sighed, watching as Sasha threw herself into the recliner. "Except I have to hop on another plane in two days." She groaned.

"You act like you're not excited to have your mom's cooking again." I laughed as she smiled, nodding at my statement. "I do miss it like crazy." She sighed, standing off the chair to make her way into the kitchen. "Aren't you going to visit Jean's parents on Wednesday?" Sasha asked, reaching into the cupboard, pulling out a bag of chips.

I nodded, sitting up from my spot. "Yeah. Marco is coming with us." I smiled. "She wanted to see you and Connie too but you guys already made plans to go visit your family." I sighed, reaching over to view a text from Jean, letting me know he got home safe. "I miss him already." I mumbled.

"It's been an hour." Sasha laughed, shoving a handful of chips into her mouth before making her way back into the living room.

"Okay? You're gonna sit here and tell me you don't miss Niccolo?" I raised an eyebrow as she glared at me. "Touché." She nodded as I just laughed, standing off the couch. "I'm gonna go shower and head to bed." I stretched my arms out, my body stiff from being in the airplane seat for hours.

I made my way down the hall and into the bathroom, completely disregarding my suitcases that still sat in the living room. I knew I'd probably just throw everything in the hamper anyway to avoid having to put it away.

I flicked on the light switch and shut the door before turning the shower onto the hottest setting, knowing my sore back needed it. I quickly removed my clothes, stepping into the warm water, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as my shoulders relaxed.

The shower felt empty considering I'd just spent the last three nights showering with Jean. In such a short amount of time I was getting used to him running his fingers through my hair and purposely stealing all the warm water. I frowned, not liking the empty feeling of the open space.

This whole thing still amazed me really. How he'd been my friend for so long and now he's so much more than that. If he never approached me it would've been Reiner that night, and absolutely none of this would've happened. Although Jean was the one I wanted to get with, I knew I never would've had the guts to approach him. Sure we were close and I shouldn't of been nervous considering I'd hooked up with Connie before but Jean was different. Connie was easy to get with, I knew he'd agree, especially in our drunken state... but Jean. He was almost
intimidating. To think if he never initiated that first move, we'd still just be friends.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. I opened the glass door, reaching out to grab it off the sink. I smiled, seeing it was Jean requesting to FaceTime me.

"Hey handsome." I spoke as the call connected. His phone was clearly propped up as he sat on his bed, his arms crossed over his bare chest. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Are you in the shower?" He raised an eyebrow as I just nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Can I see?" He smirked.

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