chapter 27

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-TW - violence/mentions of assault (just the beginning) the end of the chapter is just a bunch of fluff with jean :)

It all happened so quickly. The second Jean saw what Evan had done, he took the beer he had in hand, flipping the bottle before yanking his arm back, throwing it directly in Evan's direction. Evan managed to duck but the bottle grazed his shoulder before hitting the concrete driveway and shattering, the sound of glass breaking echoing throughout the empty area.

I stepped back as Jean closed in on Evan whose eyes were wide open as he slowly tried moving back until he was stopped by one of the vehicles behind him. Jean grabbed ahold of Evan's t-shirt before throwing his body against the siding of the house. Evan choked, the force of his back hitting the wall knocking the wind out of him.

Jean grit his teeth as he made his way towards him, wrapping his fingers around his neck as he slightly lifted his body off the ground. "Did you think you'd get away with it? Huh?!" He yelled, bringing his fist to collide with Evan's stomach. "You're so confident I wouldn't do a single thing you'd go as far as to put your filthy lips on her?! You must be really fucking stupid if you think I would let that slide." Jean growled, lifting his fist, going to punch Evan but he moved his head to the side, Jean's hand colliding with the house as he hissed in pain.

Evan took this as a chance to move out of his grip, pushing Jean back so he could run away but before he could go too far, Jean grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking him to the ground. "Where do you think you're going?!" Jean laughed, ramming his foot into Evan's ribs as he screamed in pain, gripping onto his side. "Just let me go. Please." Evan cried.

Jean laughed, once more. "You're fucking hilarious."

I stood in shock, not being able to move a limb as the scene played out before me. I knew Evan deserved it but I knew the consequences Jean would face after this and even though I enjoyed what was happening, I knew it wasn't worth the aftermath.

Jean was now straddling Evan's waist, continuously throwing punches to Evan's face. Blood oozed from Jean's knuckles as Evan's lip was now split open, his face marked up in already prominent bruises and red marks from the contact of Jean's fist. Every time he tried fighting back Jean was quick to stop him. Jean overpowered him completely and it really showed Evan was all bark and no bite.

My gaze averted over to the corner of the house where everyone came around, horrified looks on their faces. Eren was quick to move in, latching his arms under Jean's armpits, going to pull him off as Evan laid in pain, occasionally coughing as he choked on spit and probably blood. "What's going on?" Porco asked, running over to Eren to help hold Jean.

"He fucking kissed her." Jean grit his teeth, glaring down at Evan.

Eren's eyes widened before he released his grip on Jean. "Shit, kill him." He backed away.

"Eren!" Porco yelled, going to grab Jean but Eren stopped him. Jean was instantly back on Evan, his hands going around his neck and I could tell he was letting his temper get the best of him.

Two of the other male models came over, both of them moving towards Jean but I quickly ran in front of them, making them halt their movements. "Don't touch him." I glared as they slowly backed up.

Laya was more in shock than anyone, her eyes watery as she stared. "Stop him!" She cried as Mikasa guided her away from the scene.

I turned back around, gritting my teeth, kind of irritated I knew I'd have to break it up or else Jean would lash out and possibly hurt someone else. I quickly ran over to Jean, placing him into a choke hold and pulling him back as he was forced to released Evan's neck, the male gasping for air the second Jean's hands were off, his face going from the almost purple color back to its original tone.

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