chapter 34 (nsfw)

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- basically another filler but i've had this nsfw idea for a min so i decided to throw it in cause why not. pls enjoy besties😚

"I don't know if I can do this anymore." Connie groaned, throwing himself onto my bed.

Two weeks had passed since the meeting and the incident with Nova. Things have been a lot slower at the studio since we were nearing the end of the first part of the season and had to prepare for the storm of interviews and talk shows we'd have to be on after it was all  aired.

I'd been avoiding going over to Jean's much due to Nova spending a lot of her time there and I really didn't wanna deal with the drama. Jean instead just stayed with Sasha and I whenever he could, also not wanting to deal with her. I hadn't even spoken to Connie much other than at work but he always seemed so silent, which was extremely out of character for him but every time we tried to ask him about it he'd brush it off.

So, here I stood on a Saturday night, trying to pack stuff for the trip next week so I didn't have to worry about it last second. Jean sat at my vanity stool, watching as I folded shirts and tossed them into my suitcase that I had sitting on the floor. Connie laid on my bed, clearly stressed out as he whined to Jean and I after sneaking out to come here and rant.

"She gets upset about every little thing." Connie whined. "I miss my freedom."

"What happened?" I asked, tossing another shirt into my bag.

"There's so many things." He whined, dragging his hands down his face before sprawling his body out across the mattress. "First off, she is so jealous of every girl. Like at first it was just you." He pointed to me. "And now it's even Sasha and I tried explaining to her Sasha is literally my sister but she just whines about it." He sat up, turning to face Jean and I. "She also goes through my phone constantly and she's made me unfollow so many girls, I had to BEG her to keep you and Mikasa and a few others." He groaned.

"Yeah and I'm insecure." I mumbled.

"Like she's not a dancer who touches other men every single night." Connie groaned. "She doesn't see me whining."

"Not to change the subject." I turned to Jean. "But what dress should I bring to go out?" I held two dresses up, as Jean furrowed his eyebrows. "Go try them on." He pointed to my closet as I rolled my eyes, making my way over. "Go ahead, Connie!" I shout from inside as I slid one of the dresses onto my body.

"And now she's even getting on me about gaming! Like, she gets mad and tells me I'm not paying any attention to her. If I even look at my controller she starts an argument!" He groaned, both their gazes averting to me as I stepped out of the closet.

"I mean, if you're having fun what's so bad about it?" I asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "She heard a girl in the server the other night and flipped her shit."

"I understand being a little insecure but she sounds nuts." Jean laughed. "Also, go put the other one on. This ones too long." He motioned to my body as I turned to go back into the closet.

"I know! And we're not even dating! If this is what dating is like, I'd rather stay single forever!" Connie shout. "And she's STILL making me wait! Bro, I haven't had sex in so long I'm going insane and she won't even let me jerk off cause 'it's cheating'." He whined.

"But you're not dating?" Jean laughed.

"I know!" Connie shout. "And what if she sucks? Like then I'm stuck with this for life."

I opened the door once more, stepping out in the other dress that was a dark green and a lot more revealing. "You know that's not all it's about, right?" I raised an eyebrow.

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