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TW: drug usage, underage drinking, sex talk

"Have you seen this?" Harry said angrily throwing the Daily Prophet on the table. "Good morning to you too" I said eyeing the large picture of Harry in the front page. My eyes scanned through the article and I could totally see why he was angry.

"Well if it's any consolation I don't think that your eyes are glistening with the ghosts of your past" I said and he rolled his eyes taking a seat next to me. "Can you not see the point Mads! They made it all about me, they only mentioned Krum and Fleur and mispelled their names and Cedric doesn't even appear in it! And I don't cry myself to sleep!" he snapped.

"Okay, okay first of all breathe. Second of all you know that this was all made up by that deranged woman and third of all just don't get this load of rubbish get to you Harry–", "not let this get to me! How am I supposed to do that huh? You're not the one that's being made up to be like an arrogant git!" he interrupted me.

"I'll take care of it alright, just try to ignore anyone who says anything about it okay" I sighed, finishing the cup of coffee in front of me. "By the way, Sirius wants to see us the 22nd at one o'clock" he whispered in my ear before walking away with Hermione and Clotilde.

"What was that all about?" Fred asked. "Nothing, just that wanker psycho bitch Rita Skeeter wrote a fake article about Harry and made him look like he's got a big ego and shit but he'll be fine".

"Yeah all our family hates her, she's a swine" he laughed as we walked to Charms. "By the way Red, thanks for taking care of him these past four years, he told me how much you all really mean to him. That's why this spat with Ron has him so misserable, just don't tell him that I said that"I chuckled. "It's fine Frenchie, Harry's family and in terms of Ron well he's a git but will eventually come to his right mind" he shrugged and threw his arm around my shoulders.

The week had gone by fairly quickly and it was now Saturday morning and the first Hogsmeade trip of the school year. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" i said whenI woke up to an empty dorm. I looked over at the time and it was 9:53 and Lizzie's words were replaying in my head, "We are leaving at 9:00 am sharp Maddie so your arse better be ready".

I put on a bit of makeup, a pair of high waisted white mom jeans, a cream cropped turtleneck and my pale pink vans and ran out the door, taking with me one of my cream colored shoulder bags. I reached the great hall gasping for air and sat on my usual spot in between Fred and Alicia. "I ran all the way here but I thought you were all gone by now" I said still trying to catch my breath.

"Well you see the thing is, we all knew you would be late," George grinned, "so Lizzie here had the fantastic idea of changing the time in your clock so it would look like you were an hour late" he said and the rest of the group laughed at my shocked expression.

"I can't believe you all did this to me! I RAN ALL THE WAY HERE AND I HATE RUNNING!" I said loudly making them laugh even louder. "We know but there's loads to do today and you're never on time Frenchie so it was needed" Fred grinned.

"We should get going now, Mads needs to be in The Three Broomsticks at 2 so that'll cut our time short" Lizzie said already standing up and leading the way to the castle's entrance. "Merlin Maddie, are you sure you're gonna go dressed like that?" George asked.

"No one tells me what I can and can not wear" I scoffed. "I don't mean it like that" he chuckled. "Georgie has a point Frenchie, it's mid november in Scotland. You're gonna freeze to death" Fred laughed. "I won't freeze, I'm a big girl so I know what I'm doing give me a break" I said to both redheads. "Suit yourself" they grinned in unison.

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