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Triggering content (GORE), viewer discretion advised.

It had been a couple of months since Madeleine had been with the death eaters and the girl was trying to grasp onto some of the humanity she had left before losing herself completely. She felt exhausted every minute of every day, she felt drained and she wanted nothing more than to go home but she had barely scrapped Bellatrix's surface. She was so tired of playing psychopath that most of the time, she just wanted curl herself into a ball and simply disappear.

She hated herself, she hated herself for inflicting pain upon innocent people but she didn't care if those who got hurt weren't innocent after all. Her own internal dilemma was eating her alive but when her thoughts clouded her mind, she usually thought of him to calm herself down. Maddie was certain that she had never missed anyone as much as she was missing Fred. Even though it was probably wrong, she didn't even miss her father as much. She felt terrified by the simple thought of Fred hating her. She felt frightened by thinking that he would see her as the thing she had been forced to become. A monster. A monster who enjoyed torturing bad people, a monster that was as vicious as her own creator. A monster who was now unworthy of love.

Madeleine was smart. She knew it and so did everyone else around her. When she wanted to, she could be cold, calculating and manipulative, and so far, her darkest traits were proving to be quite successful when it came to tricking Bellatrix. Her aunt was buying the act and meanwhile, that is what truly mattered.

In secret, she began creating and experimenting with dark curses. After much training with Bellatrix, she probably knew as much about dark magic as her aunt herself. It was wrong, but coming up with lethal spells was the one of only things that could take her mind off of things these days. Men were easy targets when she needed to test said spells, but the experimental subjects were snatchers. They were the easiest to trick anyway.

Snatchers easily fell into her trap everytime. It was rather simple, since they made their decisions based on carnal impulses and desires. They truly believed that she had the intention of pleasing them but how wrong they were and how they wished they realized sooner. After all, no snatcher came out alive of her room once the doors were locked.

"How many muggle-borns have you turned in to the Ministry?" she dragged her wand across the man's neck, the latter who was tied on a chair as he watched her pace around the room absolutely entranced.

"Twelve," the man breathed when she came closer.

"How many muggle-borns have you killed?"

"Four," he said with his eyes filled with lust as he observed her.

"You wanna know what they call women like me in literature?" she whispered and sat on the edge of her bed. "They call us femme fatale. Desired by men all around, using our brains and beauty to get our way, hurting people in the process if it benefits us. So that's why you're useful to me, because I need to hurt you in order to gain their trust and once I gain their trust I'll be able to leave. You didn't seriously think I would sleep with you."

"What are-"

"Oh, I'm just gonna test a couple of spells I came up with. Nothing too serious," she said nonchalantly and with a wave of her wand, she silenced the room so that the unknown man's screams of pain wouldn't be heard by anyone but her.


Christmas Eve and Christmas Days were a complete fiasco for the death eaters and they all knew it. Harry was spotted in Godric's Hollow and managed to escape once again before Voldemort could finally get to him, and he wasnt' very happy about it. Thankfully, Maddie's natural talent in occlumency protected her relieved thoughts when she heard that Harry had gotten away. With Harry alive, there was still hope.

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