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Ever since Fred and Maddie got back from their trip, everything was a complete bliss for the two of them. Of course, the blonde had no idea what Fred was planning to do soon enough and she had no idea either that her friends were also a part of it so when Lizzie and Alicia suggested a shopping day in muggle London, Madeleine couldn't refuse. She could also tell that Lee was now absent from most of their group gatherings but she simply asumed that he was with Oliver considering that things were getting serious between the two of them. During their free time, Fred and Maddie started moving his things to her flat but with Andromeda taking care of Teddy, they would usually crash in Fred's room from exhaustion.

"FUCKING HELL!" George shouted from the living room, startling Maddie awake. She felt that the bed was no longer warm since Fred was not sleeping next to her like every morning and got up quickly, throwing on one of his jumpers to cover the fact that she was wearing nothing but panties.

"What's with you?" she asked as she came outside of Fred's room, watching George curled up in a ball on the floor.

"Stub toe against table," George croaked.

"And I'm the drama queen around here, right," she shook her head and went down the stairs and into the shop only to be met with the voice of the man she loved and the woman she loathed.

"Fred, can't we just talk please," Angelina begged.

"You're not welcome here Angelina," Fred rasped.

"I've just come to pick my things and I-"

"Already did it for you," Maddie said from behind Fred who was still wearing sweatpants and a white t-shirt like the night before, "you can find them in the rubbish tin in the alley."

"Did I wake you up?" Fred leaned to kiss Maddie's cheek as she wrapped her arm around his frame.

"George actually did, don't know if you heard him cuss the heavens after stubbing his little toe against the table," she chuckled.

"So that was the noise," Fred shook his head and pressed a kiss on her hairline.

"Does Fred has to repeat himself again Johnson? You're not welcome here," Maddie turned to face the girl, with rage darkened eyes.

"Hey," George said as he came down, followed by Lizzie, tea cups in hand but stopping dead on their tracks at the sight of the uninvited guest. "Get the fuck out Angelina."

"I just came to pick my things and have a cup of coffee with my ex-fiancé so that we can talk things about how he left me in the altar in front of our friends and family to run away with a dirty slut," Angelina barked.

"Oh can you believe the fucking audacity of this cunt," Maddie eyed the carton to-go cups she was holding. "Do you seriously think we didn't figure out what you had been doing for a year?"

"Georgie please let me have a go at her," Lizzie whispered.

"I beg your pardon?" Angelina cleared her throat.

"Okay, so you're gonna play dumb and avoid my questions?" Maddie chuckled dryly and slowly walked towards Angelina. "You know, I bet I still can remember how to get information without Veritaserum nor the cruciatus curse. You see, the death eaters I spent months with were big on punishment so if you want to do this the hard way, I still have one of my special little play daggers hidden here somewhere."

"You touch me and I'll call the aurors," Angelina said rapidly.

"Not if I cut out your tongue first," Maddie laughed, "wouldn't be the first time I did that to someone."

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