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TW: mature content, viewer discretion advised.

When Madeleine opened her eyes the next morning, she smiled softly when she saw that Regulus had stayed with her the night.

"Morning sunshine, how are you feeling" he chuckled.

"Like I've been hit by the Hogwarts Express, then set on fire by a dragon and finally given to Buckbeak as a mid day snack but besides that I'm completely fine" she joked.

"You're so much like Sirius, that is something that he would have definitely said back in the day" he laughed.

Down in the drawing room, Molly, Ginny, Hermione, the twins, Ron, Harry and Clotilde were preparing to get rid of an infestation of doxies from the curtains. None of them were excited to do the job besides Fred and George who had their own plans with the doxies' venom for their Skiving Snackboxes.

"Where is Mads?" Fred asked when he noticed that the blonde was nowhere to be seen.

"She's ill" Mrs Weasley said handing each of them a spray bottle with Doxycide.

"Is it contagious?" Clotilde asked looking terrified.

"No it isn't dear, Sirius would you mind taking her some breakfast while we get rid of the doxies?" Molly asked Sirius who walked inside the room, throwing a bloodied bag on a moth eaten armchair.

"Is she sick? Maybe we should take her to St Mungo's instead"

"She will be fine, but she won't be helping with the cleaning this week. She'll be perfectly fine soon, she just needs to rest" Molly said curtly to Sirius and closed the door to the drawing room.

Sirius shrugged and went to the kitchen to prepare Madeleine some breakfast and setting it on a tray before bringing it upstairs to her room.

Even though she was still in loads of pain, talking to Regulus seemed to have taken her mind off of it. She was listening intently to a quidditch story he was telling her when the door to her room opened. She looked at her godfather and smiled, the turned to Regulus and mouthed 'later' to which he nodded before vanishing.

"They told me you weren't feeling well Maddibear so I brought you some food" he said setting the tray on her bed.

"Did you make it?" she eyed the pancakes and bacon that were on the plate in front of her.

"Of course I did" he chuckled.

"So then there is a chance that I will die of food poisoning" she joked

"Don't be ridiculous Maddibear, I'm an excellent chef" he rolled his eyes and sat where the spirit of his brother previously was.

"Oh definitely, and I'm the best chaser in Hogwarts" she said sarcastically.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"I got my period so I'm just peachy, why are they all doing downstairs anyways? I'm bored and Molly told me she doesn't want to see me wandering around the house until I'm better"

"Cleaning as usual, who were you talking to when I gor here by the way"

"Myself, I do it to um clear my thoughts" she hid a small smile.

After taking a long nap, Maddie came down the stairs wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and Fred's knitted jumper he had let her keep. She opened the door to the drawing room where the rest were taking a break from all the cleaning.

"Why are you wearing Fred's jumper?" Ron asked.

"Because he gave it to me last year when I was cold" she shrugged and looked disgustingly at the bag of dead rats in a chair.

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