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Mature content, viewer discretion advised.

"So we have Slughorn's Christmas party tonight," Fred groaned and cuddled closer to the blonde who had just awoken by his side.

"Don't even remind me, why did we even agree to go to this thing?" Maddie said hiding her face on the crook of his neck.

"Because you wanted to get into Nott's head to see what are his intentions with your sister," Fred shrugged.

"Right," she mumbled, "I don't even know what I'll wear."

"Whatever you wear, you'll look gorgeous as always," he grinned, "and as much as I like to see you all dressed up, I would also rather see you wearing nothing at all."

"You really can't keep it in your pants for an entire day, can you?" she chuckled.

"How can I if you look this pretty in the morning, and at all hours of the day for that matter," he smirked and skillfully flipped to hover on top of her, trailing kisses all over her neck.

"As much as I would like morning sex right now chéri, I need to get some paperwork done before going out tonight."

"C'mon angel, at least just a quicky," he whined and propped himself on his elbows as Madeleine got up from the bed and put on her silk robe since the night before she slept in nothing but panties per the redhead's request.

"You got plenty last night Freddie, give my poor vagina some rest before we go at it again," she said playfully, scurrying quickly to the bathroom before he could follow her.

"Why do you look like the Knight Bus just ran you over," Fred laughed at his twin who had just come out of his room looking awfully glum.

"Because Liz won't be here for the holidays, you big tosser," George punched Fred's arm.

"You're such a baby, she'll spend a week with her parents and then she'll be back," Fred chortled and rubbed his now bruising arm.

"I'd like to see you spend a week away from Madeleine then, or do I also need to remind you who was the baby during the month that you two were fighting," George snapped and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Shut up," the older twin snapped back.

"What did you get her for Christmas?" George sat next to Fred.

"We said no gifts this year but she never sticks to that rule so I got her something that will blow her mind," Fred smiled.

"Look at you all lovey dovey, who would've thought that you and Mads would settle down and especially with each other," George teased.

Before Fred could come up with a snarky remark, the bathroom door opened to reveal a freshly showered Madeleine with a towel keeping her hair up and another wrapped around her body. The older twin's breath hitched and George clearly noticed how Fred relaxed and a smile appeared on his face as he gazed at Maddie adoringly.

"What?" she turned around to look at Fred who was smiling stupidly and George who was clearly holding in a laugh.

"Nothing," Fred said dreamily as she closed the door to get changed.

A couple of hours later, Fred had already changed into a new set of black dress robes as he waited for Madeleine to finish getting ready so that they could leave for Slughorn's party. George was slouched on the couch, watching TV while the older twin paced around the living room looking at his watch every five seconds.

"Are you done now? We're going to be late!" Fred said loudly knocking on his bedroom door which the blonde had locked.

"Give me a second!" she yelled back.

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