epilogue iv

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By the time Ascella turned ten, Teddy was about to start his last year at Hogwarts, Regulus and Altair their fifth year, Aurora her fourth, Archer his second and Cassiopeia her first. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was an international success, just like Café et Pâtisserie Archambeau. Besides the Hogsmeade branches, both businesses had expanded all over the globe with their main key points being in Paris, Rome, New York, Berlin, Dublin and Sydney. One knew that next to a WWW joke shop anywhere, one could also find a branch of Madeleine's café next to it.

The summer holidays, were Fred and Madeleine's favorites because it was the time when the whole family was reunited for more than three weeks, as in the case of the Christmas and Easter ones. Trips to France to visit Mamie and different cities, along with visiting different places and countries, became the new normal of summer holidays in the Weasley-Archambeau household. Ever since getting back home for the holidays, Maddie could tell that Teddy was acting slightly differently than he usually did when being around her, but she knew him too well and knew that it was best not to push him into talking.

"Oi Teddy!" a fifteen year old Regulus shouted as he ran down the stairs with Cassie over his shoulder.

"We're playing quidditch, you coming?" Altair asked after passing past Teddy on his way to the garden.

"Yeah, I'll be right there," Teddy mumbled. "I wanna speak with mum first."

"Don't take too long," Aurora smiled and nudged him. "You're in my team after all."

"I'm pretty sure it's the other way around Aura," Teddy chuckled.

"In your dreams," she huffed and pushed him, leaving towards the garden through the kitchen back door. "We'll play a round first and then a real match when you come."

"Hey mum," Teddy scratched the back of his neck as he came inside the kitchen, were Madeleine was baking a new muffin recipe she had come up with.

"Hello darling, is everything alright?" Maddie asked and stopped what she was doing to look at him.

"Mmm, yeah everything's fine," he muttered and opened the fridge door, only to close it after doing so.

"I can't tell when you're lying, you know," she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Fine, caught me," he laughed shakily leaned against the kitchen island to face her.

"What's inside that head of yours my little cub?" she cupped his face and squeezed his cheeks. "You're not so little now though, how have you grown up so fast?"

"I don't know, but there is something that I need to talk to you about something," he said rapidly, "but I need you to promise me that you won't freak out ."

"Will you promise to stop growing if I promise to not freak out?" she teased.

"I'll think about it but I'm being serious mum," Teddy breathed.

"Okay, I'm all ears," she eyed him suspiciously.

"So I've already spoken about it to dad and grandma and they're okay with it, but I've been pushing it off when it comes to asking you," he explained.

"If you want to get a tattoo that's fine by me lovey, it's your body after all and I know that you want to get some-"

"It's not about a tattoo mum," Teddy chuckled.

"Girl or boy trouble?" she raised her brows.

"No," he shook his head.

"Edward I swear to Merlin that if you have done drugs-"

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