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Monday morning, Madeleine sat down for breakfast when Harry quickly sat down next to her and began ranting about the lessons he was being forced to take with the potions master. Since it was still too early in the morning, her brain tuned out most of Harry's outburst besides the important parts but he would never be able to tell if she was paying attention or not.

"So Dumbledore wants you to have Occlumency lessons with Snape?" she yawned and poured herself another cup of coffee.

"Yup," he groaned.

"Damn, and I thought my life was shitty," Maddie chuckled.

"You're supposed to give me moral support," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm just being honest! Snape will be getting inside your head which means that he will see your memories and shit," she shrugged.

"Godric, I completely forgot about that," Harry said sarcastically. "You're no help."

"On the contrary, if it wasn't for me you probably would've died on the first task last year," she joked and left the great hall, heading for potions.

Madeleine sat next to Adrian and gave him a small smile which he returned. They started working on the Essence of Insanity Snape had ordered them to do. The Slytherin boy didn't talk at all, only following the instructions that she gave him until class was over. After her classes were done for the day, she went to the library with her headphones plugged in to start with the homework she got throughout the day.

When Maddie arrived to the common room it was already quite late. She had lost track of time in the library and when she sat on the couch next to Alicia and Lizzie, she saw from afar how the twins were demonstrating their new Headless Hats cheerfully to the crowd of excited students that were surrounding them.

"I still don't know how they come up with everything they invent," Alicia snickered as she watched Fred's head reappeared from thin air.

"Well, they are very smart and they're also high the vast majority of the week so I would say that those two combined make them geniuses," Maddie laughed

"What were you doing by the way?" Lizzie set her quill down and stretched her arms.

"Studying and devising a study schedule with everything I need to cover for NEWTs and when I have to study it so that I can be prepared in time," Madeline beamed proudly.

"Can you please do one of those for me please," Alicia pleaded.

"Already have, and with your quidditch practices in so they won't crash," Maddie said. "And I've also done one for Lee, Clo, Neville, Ron and Harry for their OWLs. I assumed that Hermione already had her own and I know that you Liz, already have yours."

"You're a life saver and I love you," Ali hugged her tightly and took the sheet of parchment 

"What about Fred and George?" Lizzie asked.

"They're not taking their NEWTs so I thought why bother," she shrugged.

"What's going on between Clo and McLaggen anyway? They've been all cozied up since last year," Lizzie said looking at Clotilde who was talking to the sixth year boy.

"No idea, the only thing she told me is that he was her first kiss but he just gives me this off vibe. I don't like him."

"Damn, since when are you all protective of her?" Alicia questioned.

"Since my mum decided to stop caring about her as well, I guess that we're only the perfect family in pictures because of our good looks 'cause there is something definitely wrong in my mother's brain," Maddie ran her fingers through her hair.

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