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The rest of the household was still at the World Cup. Since I was alone at the house so I decided to leave my room for the first time in weeks. I was glad that I was alone because I was not in the mood to engage in small talk. I went outside and decided to take a walk through the garden and the meadow. It seemed like I had lost track of time during the walk because I came across a five story house that undoubtedly belonged to a wizard family. I observed the house from afar and smiled at the sight. I made my way back to the cottage but instead of going straight to my room I went to Timothee's.

I snooped through his things until I came across to what I was looking for. My brother's secret stash. I took the red pouch back to my room and rolled myself a joint before using the muggle lighter that he had to light it up. I wasn't really a smoker of myself, I would occasionally smoke weed or cigarettes at a party when I had been drinking but it wasn't like that this time. I went back to his room and placed the pouch back to where it was before going back to the garden. I laid down on the grass watching the clouds move around while I finished the joint. I didn't even notice that it was nighttime already but decided to stay right where I was. I was stargazing, moving my fingers and recognizing each of the constellations that were visible. I had always been passionate about astronomy ever since I could remember and that's why my dad used to call me étoile. I smiled at the memory of looking at the stars with dad and slowly drifted into sleep.

I was woken up by someone carrying me upstairs the next morning. I opened my eyes and saw Tim. "So someone had fun with my stuff last night" he said chuckling. I only looked at him and laughed, it was unlike me to snoop around other's belongings, Clotilde was the one who mastered that art but not me. He placed me on my bed and sat next to me. "So who won?" I asked him. "Ireland but Krum got the snitch" he answered. He then told me about the surprise visit made by Death Eaters and that hence the reason why they returned so suddenly.

Another two weeks went by and we started getting ready for going back to school. I was definitely dreading this day. It was August 30th and we were leaving for Hogwarts on September 1st. That afternoon we went to Heathrow train station to drop off Nate, even though he could simply apparate back to France, he wanted to take a muggle train. He promised to write everyday but knowing him that was only gonna last a couple of weeks and for Tim only. Mum then took us to Diagon Alley to have ice cream before heading back to the house.

The next morning I began packing everything that I needed for school. On the letters that we received from Hogwarts it said that we needed to bring dress robes but mum gave me extra money to get them in a village near the school called Hogsmeade.

The morning of September 1st was absolutely chaotic. Clotilde took the longest time to shower and get ready so there was only one bathroom unused. Aunt Andromeda and Dora came to the house to accompany us but especially to give mum some extra moral support. Since mum was working now with the British Ministry of Magic, they sent two cars for us to get to the station. We arrived at King's Cross station in London at 10:30 and walked over to a space between platforms 9 and 10.

"So what you'll do is walk straight through the brick wall and we'll be at platform 9 3/4" mum said, "alright then Tim you first and so on". Timothee walked to through the brick wall and completely disappeared. Then went Clotilde, Andromeda, Tonks and mum. I took a deep breath pushed the trolley and myself to the brick wall but the impact never came. When I opened my eyes I saw a scarlet train and hundreds of families saying goodbye to their children. I walked over to where mum was standing and noticed that her and Andromeda were sending dirty looks to someone. I followed their gaze and there I saw Narcissa Malfoy previously known as Black.

She began slowly walking to where we were standing, followed by her son and her husband. "Andromeda, Cressida. I did not expect to see you here", Narcisa said, "I heard about your husband, I'm sorry for you loss" she continued looking at my mother. The tension could be cut with a butter knife. "Thank you Narcissa. So I assume this young man here is Draco" mum said looking at the blonde boy in front of us. "I am, so I assume you are my aunts and these are my cousins" he said with a smug look plastered on his face. Like the gentleman he was, Tim stretched his hand and shook Draco's before introducing us. "I'm Timothee, this is Clotilde and this is Madeleine" he said to Draco. "Pleasure, I hope to see you in Slytherin then. Andromeda, Cressida, Nymphadora", he said before disappearing into the crowd. "Well, it was lovely to see you two," Narcissa said to mum and Andromeda,. "Have a good term" she said looking at me and my siblings. Once they were out of sight mum and Dromeda let out a loud sigh. "Bloody hell did you see the look on Lucius' face!" Said Dora. "I never liked him, I know for a fact that he wasn't under the Imperius curse back in the war" mum said looking at at Andromeda. "Alright you three it's ten to eleven so you better get in the train now. Please write and stay out of trouble and look out for each other" mum said before hugging each of us. Dora and aunt Andi hugged us and the three of us made our way to the train.

Clo was taken away by a girl with bushy brown hair who I assumed was in charge of showing her around. Then Tim was taken by a blonde haired boy who was already in his school robes and that left me by myself. I didn't mind since I was not the most outgoing out of the three of us. I found an empty compartment and pushed my trunk inside. I sat down and took a book out of my handbag and stretched my legs. About ten minutes went by when I heard the compartment door open. I didn't lift my eyes from the book but I heard three loud voices step inside. Three boys sat in front of me and began whispering among themselves.

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