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TW: smut, underage sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, we don't have real contraceptive charms so use protection), drug mention and usage.

The morning after the Yule Ball I ended things with Nathan for good. He came into the great hall where I was having breakfast with my friends, flower bouquet in hand and the most unconvincing puppy eyes I had ever seen.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"I want to apologize and make it up to you" he said quietly.

"I don't need making up to because there is nothing to make up about" I huffed.

"It's just last night you were acting really bitchy and I just wanted to get you back so I truly am sorry that I made out with Colette" he sat next to me, "I want us to go a step further and I want you to be my girlfriend Maddie".

I looked at him in disbelief and snorted loudly. "Are you shitting me right now? I don't want a boyfriend, I don't need a boyfriend and even if I did it would never be you" I crossed my arms.

"Please Madeleine, I fucked up again and I'm so sorry. You have no idea how much I love you please just give me one more chance, I'm begging you" he pleaded and took my hand.

I harshly removed my hand from his and scrunched my eyebrows, still not fully believing his audacity.

"No you don't love me, you never have and you never will. You're in love with the idea of me. With the idea that I belong to you and you only but no, I won't do it, I won't do this to myself anymore. Whatever was between us is over, for good. You don't own me, nobody does. I don't know where you got the nerve to tell me this but my answer is no and from now on it will forever be no," I scoffed,

There was a time that you did have my heart in your hands and I let you, but I'm claiming it back. It was never yours to take but I was weak and I let you but is all over now. I don't wanna see you, I don't wanna speak to you I don't wanna be near you. This time I'm never coming back Nathan, and I mean it's goodbye" I said bitterly.

For the first time in his lifetime, he was speechless. No snarky remarks, no comebacks, no nothing. He stood up and left the hall, his heart completely broken knowing that because of his own actions, he lost what he wanted the most in the world. Her.

"I feel so fucking powerful right now! I feel amazing!" I gloated walking with Alicia and Fred. "I could totally get used to feeling like this".

"You wanna know why is that?" Alicia said and I nodded, "because you took the wheel of your life".

"She's right Frenchie, you took the wheel and now you'll have to ride through" he smirked and I chuckled.

"You're so weird sometimes, I swear that 70 percent of the time I don't even know what you're talking about Fred" Alicia shook her head.


Three weeks. Three weeks have passed since the night Fred and I shared in the Astronomy Tower. He was back to his usual cocky and flirty self, pretending that nothing had happened but I couldn't get him out of my head.

Every time he looked at me with his smug smile I just wanted him to take me in front of everyone. If I thought that Nathan was cocaine, that was nothing compared to the effect that one night with the redhead had on me. He was heroin, and I was suffering from withdrawl because of a one night stand.

One of the counterparts of being able to control other's dreams, was that I in no way possible could control mine. He took complete dominance of my dreams every night. The only thing my asleep form could see was red. The red of his hair being tugged by my fingers as he pounded into me without mercy.

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