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After Fred and Maddie announced the twins' pregnancy, everyone was over the moon from the news, and in particular, a little boy with turquoise hair who was ecstatic and couldn't wait to meet his little brothers or sisters. He would go on and on all day about how he wanted to play with the babies already no matter how many times his godmother would explain that there were still a few months to go before the babies were born and before they could play with him.

"Baby?" Teddy poked Maddie's belly with his tiny finger.

"Yes lovey, there are two babies in there," she chuckled.

"How?" he poked her belly again.

"I think you're still too young to understand the birds and the bees talk darling," she shook her head and kissed the top of his head.

"Where Fred?" Teddy frowned.

"He's still working baby, but he'll be back soon," she chuckled. "But it's bedtime for you now and I'm also really tired so I guess it's bedtime for me too."

Fred arrived home nearing three in the morning which was definitely, much more late than what he had initially anticipated. The Halloween season had left the shop without more products because how fast they had sold out, the shop's Hogsmeade expansion was on its final details before the grand opening and he needed to stop by the house to see how the construction was progressing. After he had done so, Fred had to return to the shop to restock products with George and do finances by himself since the younger twin had to attend wedding business planning with Lizzie.

When he stepped inside the flat, all the lights were off but the kitchen island was dimly illuminated by a little blue flame floating midair, shining upon a plate of food with a note to the side of it. 'Don't forget to have dinner, love you lots,' the note read in Madeleine's flawless handwriting. He smiled tiredly and as quietly as he could, he slipped into their room only to be received with the heart warming sight of a sleeping Teddy, hugging a sleeping Maddie's belly.

"Did I wake you up?" Fred whispered as he came outside of their closet, already out of his work clothes and wearing only sweatpants, to see the blonde rubbing her eyes.

"Not really," she mumbled, "I kind of can't sleep much when you're not next to me."

"Go back to sleep love," he kissed her forehead. "I'm gonna have some food and then I'll join you."

"Alright," she smiled sheepishly and closed her eyes again.

Once he had dinner and had brushed his teeth, Fred got inside the covers and Teddy's sleeping subconscious definitely sensed his presence, as he moved over to cuddle against the redhead's chest. "He's a little traitor, that's what he is," Maddie opened her eyes and shook her head.

"He can't help but loving me more," Fred teased as she carefully moved on the bed to be closer to her. "How was your day love?"

"It was fine," she yawned and nuzzled her face on his open palm. "Just work and taking care of Teddy Bear. How about yours?"

"Exhausting but now I'm all better since I'm with you," he grinned.

"Always so cheesy," she rolled her eyes playfully. "How is the house going?"

"Everything is going smooth by now, just a month and half more and we can move in," Fred beamed.

"We should start putting announcements that we're selling this place then," Maddie sighed. "I just hope we can get someone to buy it quickly-"

"I'll take care of that angel, I don't want you worrying about things like that that could potentially stress you and the babies," he said truthfully.

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