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The Friday morning before the Easter holidays, it was April first which meant two things. April fools and the twins birthday which also meant merciless pranking from both of them in order to celebrate their special day properly. But for thir particular eighteenth birthday, Maddie, Lee, Alicia and Lizzie had spent weeks planning a special surprise for them that would definitely make their heads flip.

"Lee stop being so loud," Alicia hissed holding two giant plates of food because it was no secret that those boys could eat entire Hippogriffs and still be hungry.

"Can you hurry up? This is heavy," Lizzie said struggling to hold a kettle full of tea as well as a large assortment of magical balloons.

"You're barely carrying anything!" Alicia rolled her eyes at her.

"You have quidditch arms, I don't!"

"The two of you shut the hell up before I hex you," Maddie said through gritted teeth setting up the last fireworks beneath Fred's matress on which he was sleeping peacefully. Lee was finshing up with George's bed and stepped away carefully along with Maddie.

"Do the honors Mads," Lee grinned and with a devilish smile and a wave or her wand the fireworks beneath both beds went off lifting both twins from their bed and making them land onto the floor with a thud.

"We're being attacked!" George said taking cover under his bed wand in hand.

"Mum!" Fred shouted, still too disorientated to acknowledge what he was saying.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the other four yelled once the firework display finished.

"It's not nice to set fireworks on someone else's bed especially on their birthday!" both twins huffed and repaired their burnt beds with their wands.

"Well it's also April fools so we had more reason to do so," Lee shrugged and hugged his two best mates.

"Not nice huh?" Lizzie tutted.

"If I recall correctly you did the same to Mads to get her to crack for that bet, on my birthday you followed me all day with Peeves throwing water balloons at me and on Liz's you cracked eggs on her head and covered her with flour!" Alicia said.

"Well you do have a point there," Fred and George mumbled.

"Happy birthday Georgie," Lizzie kissed him on the lips sweetly and whispering something in his ear that made the younger twin's eyes go wide.

"Do I get a birthday kiss?" Fred raised his brows at Madeleine.

"I'll have to think about it," she pretended to think and connected her lips with her passionately.

"I hate all of you," Alicia groaned.

"So are we going to eat or what?" Lee said desperately.

They all sat down on the usual spots, Alicia and Lee on his bed, Fred and Madeleine on his and Lizzie and George on his cuddling.

The twins started eating and Dobby appeared carrying more plates of food for the rest and two birthday cakes, one reading 'Happy Birthday Gred' and the other the same but with 'Feorge' written instead. The house elf was smiling happily wearing the small little boots that Maddie got for him and lit the candles on both cakes, "Dobby is happy to help and Dobby wishes Misters Weasleys a happy birthday!" he said and disappeared with a cracking sound.

"I really like that elf," George chuckled.

"He's so sweet and adorable," Lizzie beamed and dug into her plate.

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