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TW: depression, anxiety, underage drinking, suicidal thoughts, grief

The next morning I opened my eyes, whishing that I hadn't at all. The dorm was empty and as I got ready for the day, I hoped not to cross paths with Nathan or my siblings. I went into the great hall for breakfast and sat next to Fred and Alicia. The five of them looked at me, waiting to get an explanation from yesterday's events but I thought best to remain silent. There was no more space in the table so Timothee and Nate sat across from us. My eyes caught Timothée's and there didn't seem to be anything wrong, but my luck was cut short when Colette approached the table and pulled Nathan up by his arm.

She slapped him hard across the face and the entire hall turned to see the unfolding scene. "Je peux pas croire que tu m'as trompé avec elle! AVEC LA PUTE DE L'ÉCOLE NATHAN" she screamed at him and pointed at me. I lifted my glance from my plate and my eyes met my brother's. He looked at me, breating heavily and from the corner of my eye I saw Clotilde, wearing the same scowl that my brother had. "I have to go" I whispered to Fred and walked out of the great hall. Before I could leave the entrance, Colette managed to seize my arm and punched my cheekbone, hard.

I stumbled and felt how blood was coming out of my face. She was about to punch me again when Alicia stepped between us. I would have let her punch me again, I definitely deserved it but I wouldn't let my best friend get hurt because of me. "Alicia go, I can handle this" I muttered to her. She stepped out of the way and Colette punched me again on the jaw. She raised her fist again but before she could hit me my brother and sister were pulling me away, gripping my wrists tightly.

Timothee pushed me hard against a wall and my head hit the cold stone. This was normal for us three, beating the shit out of each other, especially Clotilde and I, but never him.

"How long have you been sleeping with him" he said lowly looking at me. "I don't see how that is any of your business" I murmured and he hit the wall the stone wall next to my head making me flinch. "HOW LONG MADELEINE!" she screamed making my eyes fill with tears.

"Three years" I barely whispered. For the first time in her life, Clotilde didn't have anything to say to me. She was plainly enraged, her light blue eyes darkening and her cheeks redening.

"THREE FUCKING YEARS RIGHT UNDER MY FUCKING NOSE!" he yelled and I whimpered. "You fucking disgust me Madeleine, you make me fucking sick" he spat angrily and let go of my wrist that was bruising by now.

"You're such a fucking whore you know that right, you break everything that you touch and drag everyone alone with you, you selfish fucking slut! You're the reason why dad's dead you know that and he would be disgusted with you too you fucking whore!" he screamed, causing the tears to finally fall from my eyes.

"It was not a one person thing, it wasn't only my fault" I said softly, my voice cracking slightly.

"Of course you're playing the victim card right now!" he scoffed, "you know what don't bother, you're dead to me now"he said and walked away angrily.

"Go on take a hit too, i know you've wanted to for a very long time" I said to Clotilde and she chuckled darkly. "I don't have anything to say to you anymore, just stay away from us" she hissed and walked away.

My face was still dripping blood from the impact of Colette's ring covered knuckles and my face. I felt as if I was floating through space, not even acknowledging my surroundings. I was gently lifted from the floor and an arm snaked past my waist, helping me walk.

"Come on Frenchie, let's get your face fixed up" Fred said gently, pushing my blonde waves away from my face so that they wouldn't stain with blood. We reached the hospital wing and he sat me on a bed, taking a seat next to me.

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