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"She's gone, I swore to protect her and she's gone and it's all my fault," Sirius sobbed loudly when his best mate kneeled next to him to take Madeleine's body away from him.

Remus took Maddie's body from Sirius and held it close to him when he heard a faint sound coming from the girl. He lowered his ear to her chest and heard it clearer. "She has a heartbeat!" he said making Sirius turn to him as if he was teasing him.

"That's impossible, the killing curse can't be shielded from," Sirius wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Sirius, she has a heartbeat! It's weak but it's there which means there is a chance!" Remus said louder.

"Poppy," Sirius mumbled unable to think anything else, making Timothée stare at him confusedly. "POPPY, REMUS! TAKE HER TO POPPY NOW!" he yelled and the man got his feet rushing out of the room as fast as he could.

Remus apparated out of the Ministry and straight to the gates of Hogwarts. Once they had opened, he ran fastly to the hospital wing, adrenaline taking control of his body as he held the barely alive girl in his arms. "We're almost there, stay with me Maddibear," he said as he neared the great oak doors he knew too well.

"I think I'm already done for today Madam Pomfrey, or do you need me to do anything else?" Lizzie let her hair down and jolted when the doors were thrown open to reveal the DADA professor she hadn't seen in years carrying a mop of blonde hair she knew far too well.

"POPPY!" Remus yelled and didn't regard Lizzie, as she rushed to put her hair back up.

"Oh for the love of Merlin, what happened?" the matron said running to the bed where Remus had set Madeleine in.

"Casted a protective shield against the killing curse, we thought she was gone but I heard a heartbeat, please tell me there is something you can do," he said rapidly to Pomfrey.

"I'll see what I can do, Elizabeth bring me all the potions in the cupboard that can deal with waking someone up, quickly now," Poppy said and casted a diagnosis spell with her wand on the girl.

Liz was holding back tears as she fetched all of the potions they had and when she came back with them, the matron administered Madeleine a potion to increase her heartbeat and performed another diagnose spell.

"This is the most impressive thing I have ever seen," Poppy gasped making a Remus with a tear stained face look at the woman who took care of him for many years because of his furry little problem as Sirius and James used to call it.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"Her body did not sustain any damages, all of her organs are working properly and with the potion I gave her, her hearbeat picked up again and it's pumping blood perfectly to all her organs."

"So she will be fine?" Lizzie asked hoarsely.

"Well, her body is looking perfectly healthy besides some cuts and bruises, but mentally, we really do not have a way of knowing what is happening. By the looks of it she is in a comatose state, but I do not know when she will wake up or whether she will Remus," Poppy patted his back.

"You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine Maddibear, I promise," Remus took a hold of Maddie's hand after giving Pomfrey a thanful smile.

"Professor Lupin, I don't know if you remember me but-"

"Lizzie Bennet of course, she speaks highly of you," Remus smiled softly.

"I um, I need to let Fred know Professor, I need to let our friends know," she whispered with tears streaming down her cheeks.

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