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Once all of the visitors had left after meeting Reggie and Altair for the first time, Fred and Maddie sat on the bed while holding a baby each. They stayed in complete silence, watching their baby boys in complete adoration with tired smiles on their faces, still in complete disbelief that after everything they had to go through together and individually, they finally had accomplished the dream of having a family of their own. Maddie's head was resting on Fred's shoulder traced the features of Altair's face with her fingertip, followed by Reggie's identical face to almost engrave their tiny noses, eyes and the shape of their lips in her mind forever. Despite the exhaustion, both physical and mental, she felt happiest than she had ever felt before in her lifetime. Fred couldn't stop looking at her, not truly believing that the love he felt for her could be increased even further but watching her hold both babies on her bare chest, stroking their tufts of red hair and pressing tender kisses on their foreheads did just that.

"Do you wanna get some sleep darling?" Fred asked as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, I'm not tired," she mumbled.

"Love, you haven't slept in almost three days, get some sleep and I'll stay with them," Fred pleaded.

"I'm alright," she yawned.

"No, you need rest," he chuckled and kissed her temple. "I'll be with them angel, just get some sleep please."

"No because you'll hog them and they'll love me less when they're older because you spent more time with them," she huffed.

"I can assure you that will not happen," Fred shook his head. "They're asleep right now and I'm pretty sure they'll be hungry once they're up-"

"Fine," she rolled her eyes. "I'll get some rest."

"I'll be on the couch," Fred stood up and carefully picked both twins from her chest.

"Can you sit on the edge rather than on the middle?" she asked once he had sat down.

"What for?" Fred frowned.

"I just wanna make sure they're not going anywhere," she shrugged.

"I'm certain that they won't have the ability to walk for another year but your wish is my command angel," Fred laughed.

"They're so perfect," Maddie whispered. "I'll never get tired of looking at them."

"They're half you, half me love," Fred looked up at her grinning. "Of course they're absolutely perfect."

"I really can't believe that my four boys have birthdays only one week apart each," Maddie smiled. "Can we count the babies as one of Teddy's birthday presents?"

"I definitely count them as my late birthday present," Fred beamed.

"Holy shit," Maddie gasped. "I forgot to buy you a present Freddie."

"Don't fuss about it darling," Fred chortled. "Pregnancy brain truly go the best of you the past couple of weeks and having you, the babies and Teddy healthy and safe is enough for me."

"I promise that I'll make it up to you darling, I'm sorry," she smiled sheepishly.

"If you get some sleep now then I'll count is as another late birthday gift woman," he grinned.

"You're just as annoying as you were seven years ago," she scoffed and finally found a comfortable position to sleep in while still having a perfect view of a shirtless Fred holding the babies.

Even though she tried to stay awake a tad longer to stare at Fred talking in whispers to the babies, her entire body and mind felt truly exhausted after having the most painful, long and wonderful day of her life. Sleep finally overtook her and when she opened her eyes, Maddie felt a cool spring fanning over her face. She felt delicate grass blades grazing her fingertips as gentle sunrays illuminated her face and the area surrounding her. It felt calm and simple and almost too close to home.

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