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Triggering content, viewer discretion advised.

It was mid-November and things weren't looking too good for the Order but they still had enough hope. The werewolves were now joining Voldemort, the amount of Death Eaters on the streets was increasing and overall the wizarding world was the unsafest it had been in fifteen years. Madeleine was sure that the Death Eaters were slightly noticing that muggle-borns, especially children, were vanishing into thin air and to say they were angry was an understatement.

Meanwhile at the Ministry, Madeleine had fully gained Scrimgeour's trust and next to Percy, she was the Minister's right hand so he suspected nothing. The one who did was Umbridge, who Maddie and even Percy found trying to break into the blonde's office multiple times but her magic was too powerful to be taken down by the old hag. Fred hadn't questioned her late night returns nor her unexpected disappearances in the middle of the night anymore but everytime she went out he couldn't push away the feeling of anguish that took over him.

"Fred darling you know I absolutely adore you but get out of my kitchen because you and mess always come hand in hand," she laughed when he went inside while she was cooking dinner in his flat.

"Technically it's my kitchen," he raised a brow and leaned against the counter with his arms crossed. 

"I'm the one who cooks for you and George and Liz so it's basically my kitchen, now get out before I hex you," she said sweetly and he scurried away to join George in the living room knowing that a Madeleine hex was no joke.

Lizzie came inside dragging her feet through the front door, her healer uniform covered in blood and by the look on her face she had been crying. George immediately stood and helped her sit down on the couch where Fred and Maddie sat down as well.

"So I lost a patient today and it was all my fault," she sighed and burried her face into her hands as George stroked her back soothingly. 

"I'm sorry Liz, want some wine? That usually makes me feel better," Maddie said.

"Something stronger, do we still have tequila or fire whiskey?" she asked and the blonde nodding, going to the kitchen to take an almost empty bottle of fire whiskey.

"What was it?" George asked her.

"Lacerating curse but it was darker than the normal one, we couldn't get the wounds to close," Lizzie answered.

"Do you think it was Death Eaters?" Fred inquired.

"If it was a darker curse, more than the Lacerating Curse already is, then most likely," Maddie said handing Liz the glass with amber liquid.

That night, Madeleine had to go to another meeting with the Order of Fawkes. Dumbledore looked rather ill and his hand was looking worse than last time but he didn't answer her questions regarding the story behind his injury. Remus was still with the werewolves and Sirius was now back from spending almost a month in Germany to give a report from his mission, so thankfully she didn't feel as alone as in the meetings when he wasn't there.

"Madeleine, what is the report with the children?" Dumbledore asked the girl from his seat at the head of the table.

"Everything is going like planned, in total I've already moved seventy-eight from the ages of five through nine but it'll be more complicated with the younger kids since their parents are more protective of course," she explained.

"Very well, keep up the good work," Dumbledore smiled.

"Another thing sir, I believe the Death Eaters are getting suspicious," she said lowly, the other six men around the table looking back at her.

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