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TW: mentions of blood, mentions of spirits (idk if that's triggering but just in case), mentions of food and lack of appetite

"I don't know she's lost too much blood can you bleed out from your nose mum?", Fred's faint voice echoed through her ears.

"I don't think so dear but it looks like she's waking up now" Molly said, her hand still pressing a handkerchief on her nose.

Her eyes shot open again and a gasp left her lips. She quickly stood up, not caring about the people that were trying to prevent her from doing so. "Moody has him, he's not Moody" was the only thing she said before she fled the scene.

She ran like she had never done before, Molly's blood stained handkerchief was still pressed on her nose, trying to stop her blood from leaking any further. She reached the castle and didn't bother to catch her breath, even though her insides felt like they were on fire. The only thing keeping her body functioning was the adrenaline that was now being pumped through her blood stream.

She arrived at Moody's office and with a flick of her wand the door flung open. Harry was sitting on a small stool, and fake Moody was waiting by the door. Harry looked at her absolutely terrified, trying to warn her but there was no use when she was pushed to the floor. She was too weak to get up, she tried and tried but every time her arms gave up on her. They were both helpless now.

"I was expecting you to arrive Archambeau, apparently you have the same god savior complex your father had" Moody growled and closed the door again.

"The Dark Lord's plan would have been successful if it wasn't for little Madeleine right here. I had it all planned out, but it didn't occur to me that the two of you would become so close. I followed the plan exactly like he had told me. Went to the French auror, get the information and kill him; but I should have known he was never going to break. Philippe Archambeau was trained by the best after all, but I never imagined that dear old Cressida would come back. Oh how I desired her when I was just a boy. The Dark Lord had risen again and all your intents were futile" he said darkly, his voice tone not resembling the one she had heard for the entire year. But the voice indeed, was the one who haunted her dreams for months.

She could only stare at him, her vision became blurry from the loss of blood and she was exhausted. The floor was so cold in comparison to her body and all she wanted was to close her eyes and let go. She knew what would happen now, she would meet the same fate her father met during the summer. The blinding green light would hit her and it would all be over.

She felt ready for it, 'at least I saved him' she thought but when the Headmaster's familiar voice yelled the disarming spell a weight lifted off her chest. She opened her eyes slowly and saw Professor McGonagall kneeling next to her. Harry was now standing up next to Snape and Dumbledore, wands pointed at the impostor as he revealed the truth under the influence of Veritaserum.

Barty Crouch Jr revealed everything from his master's plan to return to life. He went over in how he had done it step by step, how Philippe played a part on it and how Madeleine had messed it up by interfering with tonight's events, but she was way too drowsy to pay attention to every single detail. The last thing she heard before passing out again, was Dumbledore's request for her to be taken down to the hospital wing.


Professor McGonagall levitated me to the hospital wing and let's just say that it was an interesting journey switching from consciousness to unconsciousness until we reached our destination. When we arrived my mother was waiting in the room talking to Madam Pomfrey and Mrs Weasley. Bill, the twins and my brother were conversing about something while Lee, Alicia and Lizzie were murmoring quietly in a corner opposite from where Ron, Hermione and Clo were pacing anxiously.

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