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Mature content, viewer discretion advised.

The Easter holidays were finally approaching meaning that exams were nearly around the corner. The D.A meetings were everyone's favorite part of the week considering how Umbridge had banned pretty much everything remotely fun.

"Okay one more duel and we're finished for tonight!" Harry said brightly, "Ron, 'Mione why don't you two give it a go?"

"This will be interesting," Fred said to Madeleine and George who were standing next to him.

"Oh yes it will," Maddie grinned overhearing the chat the two fifth years were having.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Ron said to the bushy haired girl.

"Thanks Ronald," Hermione said sarcastically and got in the dueling position.

"Come on Ron!" chanted the boys across the room.

"I just love how boys always underestimate girls and we always win the duels in the end," Madeleine said to Alicia and Lizzie who nodded in agreement. Ron was also in the dueling position with his wand raised waiting for Harry to give instructions but the latter never did.

"One sickle," George whispered to his twin.

"You're on," Fred whispered back and when they looked over, the younger Weasley boy was about to cast a spell but Hermione did it faster, stunning Ron who fell on the floor with a yelp.

"Thank you," Fred smirked when George handed him enough knuts to make a sickle.

"Shut up," the younger twin groaned.

"I let her do that, it's good manners isn't it?" Ron approached his older brothers to which Fred nodded sarcastically."It's completely intentional."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Ronnikins," Fred snickered.

"Well everyone, that's it for tonight and next week we'll start with Patronuses," Harry said, "just keep practicing and see you all next week!"

"Are you going back to the dorm love?" Fred asked Madeleine when everyone began exiting the room of requirement in pairs and trios.

"I'm actually gonna go study a bit in the Astronomy Tower, I'll be back later," she kissed his cheek and hurried away before he could say anything.

Sitting on the edge of the Astronomy Tower while watching the stars was one of Madeleine's favorite activities, but she loved it even more when a special someone joined. She closed her eyes and when she opened them back again, Regulus' bluish form was sitting next to her smiling.

"I was starting to think you forgot about me," he joked.

"Not possible, I've been just busy with everything," she chuckled.

"Meaning that you were busy shagging the Weasley boy," Reg snorted.

"You're so lucky you're dead because I would've thrown you off the tower," she grinned.

"You love me either way," Regulus shrugged.

"I do, I wish you were alive though," Maddie smiled sadly.

"Would make two of us but I don't regret what I did..."

"When are you going to finally tell me how you died?"

"All in due time and you're not ready yet," he said.

"I'm ready! You do realize that we're the same age right!"

"Technically I'm sixteen years older than you-"

"-But you died which means you got frozen in time which also means that we're the same age after all!" she scoffed.

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