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I sat on the couch ready to have some much needed reading time when I was once again interrupted by two overly energetic redheads. "Meet us here at midnight and don't be late" both said before retreating to the boys' dormitories.
I sighed and went back to my dorm. The other girls were doing homework so I decided not to disturb them. I took a shower and changed into a cropped white tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants. It was 11:55 when I set my book down and got up. The rest of the girls were asleep so I took a pair of white sneakers and put them on when I was outside of the room.

I went down the stairs and saw that Fred and George were already waiting for me. "You're late" Fred whisper  playfully. "It's literally 12:02 piss off!" I whispered back. "Look at you two, already bickering like an old married couple. Are we gonna go or what?" George said. "Go where? What do you mean?" I asked the twins. "We're taking you on an adventure" both said in unison before dragging me out of the portrait hole.

"But it's midnight! We're out after curfew!" I whisper yelled at the boys. "Yeah that's why is fun!" Fred said excitedly. "Let's go we need to move in case Filch is close!" George said pushing Fred out of the way. We sneaked around the castle and I must admit that they were right, it was fun. They took me to an empty hallway on the third floor and stopped in front of a statue of a witch who only had one eye. They muttered something as they tapped the witch's hump with their wands and suddenly the hump on the statue opened up.

"George you first, then Frenchie and the me". George nodded and disappeared inside of the passage. "Go on Maddie if someone catches us we're doomed" he said pushing me gently. "What?! You know you could be a serial killer and if I go inside and you kill me nobody will be able to find my body!" I said to the redhead boy. "Just go in I promise you won't regret it and besides I'm way too handsome to be a serial killer" he said flipping his hair dramatically. "You haven't heard about Ted Bundy then, he was handsome too but he was a serial killer!". "Fine if I kill you I give you permission to haunt me until the ends of time" he said with a wink.

I scoffed and got inside the passage which was a short slide. I crashed into George which sent him straight to the floor. "Oh I'm sorry George I didn't know you would be blocking the slide" I said sarcastically. Before I could get up, Fred crashed into me and sent me flying straight into George who fell to the floor again. George and I got up and couldn't help ourselves from laughing at what had happened. We walked for about thirty minutes and my feet were getting tired.

"Are we there yet?! I can't even feel my feet!" I said stopping. "Don't be such a baby Frenchie we need to walk for at least another 30 minutes" George said. "Another 30 minutes! And then go all the way back to the dorms! I hate you two" I said but only made them laugh. "Alright then if I carry you will you stop bitching?" Said Fred before motioning to me to get on his back. I jumped onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Don't let me fall, you're like a giant and if I fall I don't know if I'll survive" I said dramatically. "Not my fault that you're garden gnome size Frenchie but I promise I won't let you fall" he said chuckling. "Nice way of complementing a girl Red" I said sarcastically. Fred carried me for another 30 minutes and both boys stopped in front of a ladder. George went first and slid open a what looked like a stone trap door.

"Alright go on Mads", I smiled at the nickname remembering my dad and went up the ladder to meet George. "Where are we?" I asked. "Honeydukes cellar" he said pulling out his want to dimly light up the room. "Isn't this trespassing and stealing?" I asked George who was stuffing his pockets with sweets. "Well if you say it like that it sounds more illegal than what it is" Fred said rolling his eyes. I laughed at the scene and processed to take a box of cauldron cakes and exploding bonbons. We then went down the ladder and back to the passage. Halfway along the passage the twins sat on the floor and signaled me to do the same.

We sat laughing, joking around and eating what we took from the sweet shop. "Okay then Frenchie is just the three of us now, are you gonna spill your secrets or what" Fred said. "What do you mean I'm like an open book" I said sarcastically which caused both boys to roll their eyes. "Yeah right, start talking" scoffed George. "Why are you two so interested in knowing all of my secrets?" I asked them playfully.

"Because we're your friends and we barely know you! We just know that you're smart smart–" began Fred. "And that you have a brother and a sister–" continued George. "And that you're part veela–", "and that you ruse in French when you're pissed–", "and that you speak French for obvious reasons!" George finished.

"Wow have someone ever told you two how creepy it is when you finish each other sentences" I said to them. "Yeah all the time" both said in unison. "Alright then, you get one question each but just one!" I said. They smirked at each other.

"Why did you move to the UK?" George asked me. "Because of my mum's job" I replied. "What's the reason why you won't tell us anything about yourself?" Fred asked. "Because anything I say could be used against me" I answered playfully. "Oi but that's not fair! Those weren't real answers!" George protested. "I told you that you had one question each, I never said anything about which answers I could give" I told him.

We got up and continued walking back to to the entry of the passageway. The whole walk Fred and George were complaining about how my answered weren't good enough but I only shrugged at each of their complaints. We snuck back into the common room after our fun adventure and the twins headed to their rooms after saying goodnight. Before I could reach the stairs to get to my dorm someone grabbed my arm and I turned to face my brother. 'Fuck fuck fuck', I was thinking as I saw my brother's eyes that were clearly filled with anger.

"Madeleine do you have any idea what time it is?! It's 3 in the fucking morning! I've been waiting for you for hours!" He said. "I'm sorry, lost track of time" I mumbled. "Mum specifically told us to not get in trouble and look at you! It's the second day and you're sneaking out already! Are you mentally deficient?!". "Well first of all, that's offensive to the people who have mental deficiencies, second of all we didn't get caught and third since when are you all responsible and shit?" I spat. "Since mum asked me to take care of you! Do you have any idea how we felt seeing you this summer?! You don't! You didn't talk, you weren't eating, you were having bloody fucking nightmares every fucking night! Do you have any idea what it was waking up in the middle of the night to you screaming?! You don't Madeleine!". I understood why he was worried and I knew he was right but my pride was way too much to let him know that. "I understand more things than you know Timothée, just give me the bloody potion and leave me alone". I snapped the vial from his hand and went to my room without looking back.

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