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On another note, I wrote the songs that I listened to while writing this part so if you want to add to the mood while you're reading.

TW: smut, underage drinking, mentions of food, unprotected sex, 

The holidays arrived faster than Madeleine expected. The castle and everyone in it was bubbling with holiday cheer and most importantly, excitement for the upcoming ball. On Christmas Eve, the group of six made the brilliant decision of having a few drinks after dinner; but in her case a few drinks turned into bottles getting her absolutely shit faced.

She was sleeping peacefully (more like blacked out), hair tousled and mouth parted, snoring lightly when Fred and Alicia walked into the room. They had already taken her pile of gifts to the common room so that they could open presents together, but that waswell over and hour ago.

"Everybody is getting desperate Ali, just wake her up already!" Fred whispered yelled to the brunette.

"Why do I have to go and do it? It's always me and it's Christmas so I'm sorry if I don't want to unleash hell upon us" she replied in the same tone that he used.

"Fine wuss, I'll do it myself" he said walking over to the sleeping girl. He shook her body gently but had no effect whatsoever. "Maddie wake up, it's Christmas" he said rather loudly in her ear.

"Fuck off, leave me alone" she grumbled annoyed.

"Fine, you asked for it" he huffed and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder and running down to the common room.

"And the Grinch has arrived!" George joked from where he was cuddled up with Lizzie.

Fred sat Maddie on the large couch grinning at how mad she was. He wasn't sure if she had her eyes narrowed because she was hungover or because she was angry, most likely both he thought.

Sensing that she was about to start whining, Alicia rapidly handed her a cup of black coffee and with her closed she took drink and sighed. "I hate all of you, it's like six in the morning" .

"It's actually eight, we've been waiting for you to wake up for over an hour" Lee smiled already opening his pile of gifts.

"I'm just saying that you could've let me sleep longer, when any of you are hungover I don't storm into your rooms and carry you down a flight of stairs" she yawned.

"Because we're not usually hungover during Christmas morning Frenchie, here drink this" he said placing a vial on her hand.

"If this is poison I wouldn't mind taking it" she joked downing the hangover relief potion.

"Still regreting saying yes to him?" Lizzie chimed in.

"More like anything in the world, thanks for this you three" she laughed at the gift that the twins and Lee gave her, a silver flask with her initials engraved. "This will come in handy tonight" she chuckled.

After opening their presents together, they went into the great hall for breakfast. She sat next to Timothee and in front of Clotilde, which made them exchange startled looks. "Joyeux Noel", she said placing some pancakes on her plate.

"Happy Christmas, thanks for the presents by the way" Timothee smiled.

"Joyeux Noel sis, thanks for the shoes and bracelet" Clo said, "what made you sit with us?"

"Well it's Christmas and it's the first one without him so I just thought we could spend some time together and have some fun" she beamed. They both nodded and went back to eating silently, even though they had already make up about their spat a month ago, the tension still lingered in the air.

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