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AN: Hey everyone, I'm sorry I haven't been uploading as much lately. I had writer's block and this week I started my first semester in college. I'll try to upload every sunday from now on but please be patient when I don't. This was also my first try writing a little bit of smut so sorry if it isn't good, I promise it will eventually get better. I wanted to give it a try first writing about Nate before Fred comes in the picture. Please let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far, hope you're having a great day and treating people with kindness. I will also start putting trigger warnings at the top of each chapter when needed. Love you all.

TW: light smut

Back in my dorm, I took a shower and put on my favorite grey sweatpants and cropped white tank top. I didn't bother in wearing a bra, but I did put on the lace emerald green thong that he bought for me once. I went to the common room, book and cigarette case in hand and sat down on the large couch. I lit up a cigarette and took a long drag from it, lately they seemed like the only thing that could keep my emotions in check. The common room was empty which was when I enjoyed it the most, until my peace was disturbed by two redheads.

"Rough day huh?" said George pointing at the cigarette in between my middle and index finger. "You have no idea" I sighted, "got the ingredients for the potion already?" I asked them. "Yup, meet us in our dorm at four. It takes a while for it to brew and we want to put our names tomorrow morning" Fred said sitting next to me and taking the cigarette from my hand taking a drag from it. "If you wanted one you could've just asked" i chuckled. "Sharing is caring Frenchie" he said passing it to George. We sat on the couch, smoking and talking for a while. Luckily for me they headed to their dorm before 3 o'clock, I was not in the mood to deal with questions about where I was going.

It was 3:08 when I reached our meeting point. I was walking through the the deserted dark hallway when I was pushed into an empty classroom. He locked the door and muttered a silencing charm before he wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me against the nearest wall.


"You've kept me waiting chérie, and you know that I don't like waiting" he growled, squeezing her throat harder. "Stop being a whiny baby and fucking kiss me already" I said, my eyes filled with both lust and anger. "You know the rules, this doesn't mean anything. It's just sex" he whispered nibbling my ear gently. "We're gonna have such a fun year Mad".

He aggressively connected his lips with hers, one of his hands gripping her ass roughly and the other cupping her cheek. Madeleine moaned when his knee grazed the sensitive area between her legs as he began placing open mouthed kissed on her neck. "Get on your knees" he said looking into her eyes. She complied and unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them down along with his boxer. She licked the tip making eye contact with him, before closing her eyes and taking more of him into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, moaning around his length, and took him even further down her throat making her gag. He pulled her hair into a tight pony tail and began thrusting into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat with each thrust, "Putain just like that" he moaned, "you look so hot with your lips wrapped around my cock chérie". Tears were now streaming from her eyes which turned him on even more. He pulled out of her mouth, lifted her up and spun her around, pressing her against the cold wall. Nate then pulled down her sweatpants, he smacked her ass hard definitely leaving a handprint. He then moved her underwear to the side, teasing her entrance with his tip before thrusting into her with a moan. "Mon dieu I forgot how tight you feel" Nathan groaned into her ear. "H-harder Nate please" Maddie said between moans. He gripped her throat even harder than before with one hand and with the other pressed her harder against the wall, moving in and out of her more aggressively. Maddie was now feeling the knot forming inside of her and then he came with a grunt. He pulled out of her her and put his trousers back on. "Are you fucking kidding me, I didn't even get to cum!" She said exasperated adjusting her underwear and sweatpants. "I'm tired and it's been a long day. Just get off yourself" he scoffed. "You have to be shitting me right now! And you seriously wonder why I hate you so much, you're selfish and arrogant fucking dick–" she began but was quickly interrupted by him. "But you still met with me anyways, so I think that says more about you than me. Night chérie" he said as he left her alone in the classroom.

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