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I woke up with the sun shining through my room, I got up not even bothering in changing from my pajamas and went downstairs. It was already 10:00 am and everyone was in the kitchen having breakfast. Without saying hello to anyone, I walked over to the French press and poured myself a cup of coffee. I took a big sip before turning to see everyone looking at me.

"Bonjour chérie ça va?", mum asked me with a curious expression. "Ça va, just a bit tired" I said without moving my eyes from my cup. "Why are you so tired?" Clotilde asked me before biting into her croissant. "Because the croissant your eating right now didn't make itself" I replied rolling my eyes at her.

My relationship with my sister was pretty weird, some days we loved each other and others we couldn't even look at each other without fighting. It really annoyed me that she thought that my wardrobe was also hers, same with my make up and jewelry and even shoes.

"Is that my dress?" I asked her sternly. "No" she scoffed. "DON'T BLOODY LIE CLOTILDE! I BOUGHT THAT DRESS LAST WEEK! I HAVEN'T EVEN WORN IT YET IT STILL HAD THE TAG ON!" I yelled setting my cup on the table spilling the coffee from it as I walked over her to get her up from where she was sitting. "AND THOSE ARE MY BLOODY FUCKING EARRINGS THAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS!" She moved away from me but I grabbed her wrist before she could walk away, I looked at the floor and that's when I snapped. "AND YOU'RE WEARING MY BLOODY FUCKING SHOES YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! WHAT ELSE ARE YOU WEARING MY UNDERWEAR TOO?!" I said pushing her.

"NON MERCI I WOULDN'T WANT TO WEAR PANTIES THAT HAVE BEEN PASSED AROUND THE WHOLE SCHOOL!" Clotilde screamed causing me to gasp and Tim and Nate to snigger. "OH YOU ASKED FOR IT!" I yelled before pushing her to the floor and jumping on top of her. I started hitting her with all of my strength, with one hand she was covering her face and with the other she was pulling my hair. "YOU'RE A FUCKING LUNATIC MADELEINE I HATE YOU!" She yelled as she pulled my hair harder. I moved the hand that was covering her face and punched her straight in the nose, and that's when I felt a pair of arms grabbing me and pulling me away from my sister who was still in the floor. She got up and began walking to where my dad was holding me back but before she could get far Nate pulled her back as mum stood in the middle.

"MUM SHE BROKE MY NOSE!" She yelled in pain. "WELL YOU CALLED ME A WHORE AND STOLE MY CLOTHES SO I WOULD SAY IT WAS PRETTY WELL DESERVED!". "YOU TWO STOP IT NOT" my dad's voice roared from behind me causing me to flinch. "Madeleine apologize to your sister and Clotilde you do the same" mum said calmly. "WHY DO I HAVE TO GO FIRST! SHE'S THE ONE WHO TOOK MY CLOTHES!" I yelled trying to escape my father's grip. "Because you're older and and you have to set the example" my mum said with clear anger in her voice. "FINE! Clotilde I'm sorry," before I could finish I saw a satisfied smile forming in her face which fueled my anger even more, "I'M SORRY YOU WERE EVER BORN AND I'M SORRY THAT DAD DIDN'T PULL OUT IN TIME!" I yelled and saw Timothee trying to muffle his laughter with his palm. "OH YOU WOULD KNOW ALL ABOUT PULL OUTS DON'T YOU MADELEINE!". "ENOUGH!", dad usually never yelled but even he knew that we went too far. I sat on the end of the table and Clotilde sat in the other. Mum raised her wand and fixed her nose and cleaned the blood off her face.

"I've had enough of this you two! You're sisters and you're supposed to love each other" mum said with her arms crossed. "You would know all about sisterly love" I muttered, earning a stern look from my mum. "You two are grounded! Madeleine you're not allowed to leave the house for two weeks, same for Clotilde and with your savings you will go and buy a new dress for your sister since that one is already ruined with all the blood" dad said. "WHY DO I HAVE TO BUY HER A DRESS WITH MY MONEY?! SHE'S THE ONE WHO PUNCHED ME SO BASICALLY SHE RUINED THE DRESS HERSELF!," before she could continue protesting, dad raised his voice again "BECAUSE I SAY SO CLOTILDE NOW YOU TWO TO YOUR ROOMS AND IF I HEAR ONE MORE SOUND FROM ANY OF YOU IT WILL BE ONE MONTH WITHOUT GOING OUT!". That being said we both headed each to our rooms. I shut the door of my room loudly and threw myself on the bed, I heard the door open and didn't bother to turn my face from my window.

"Chérie, what Clotilde said was wrong, and I want you to know that is okay if you have an active sex life and..." before she could continue I turned around to face her, with a scarlet blush creeping from my cheeks. "Mum please don't" I said shaking my head before laughing. "Just be safe love and use protection please". "Mum please stop" I said laughing harder and her joining. "Believe me, I know all about sister rivalry, that was nothing compared to Bellatrix and Andromeda" she said shaking her head and laughing about the memory. Cressida never really spoke about her family, but anytime time that Madeleine and Clotilde would fight, she remembered her fights with her sisters before each one chose their own path in life. "How come?" I asked her intrigued, since I didn't know much about mum's past. "If it wasn't Bellatrix and Andromeda, it would be me and Narcissa," she laughed before continuing, "and we formed alliances so it was always me and Dromeda versus Bella and Cissy. Oh and when we were kids Sirius was always on our team and Regulus would join the other one. Life was much simpler back then love" she said with a sad smile on her face.

"I saw you and dad fighting a while ago, was it about Sirius?" I asked mum. "Always the clever girl, but yes it was about Sirius. He contacted me and your father and explained everything that happened. He was framed by a man named Peter Pettigrew, and he spent all those years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit" she said as her hands played with my hair. "I always knew he was innocent, I remember that every time he visited he was kind and loving and would always play with me" I told her. "I always knew that too love," she stood up and walked over to the door, "I know that your father told you that you can't go out but we had reservations for tonight so he made an exception", she sent me a smile and a wink before leaving my room.

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