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Tonks opened the door to Madeleine bedroom where she found Fred and Maddie cuddling on the bed while George was scattered on the floor. She was received by the smell of weed and alcohol, hence why she assumed the three teenagers got completely hammered and would wake up with the worst hangover of their lives.

With her wand, she pointed at each of them and a jet of freezing water drenched them making them jolt up from the spots they were comfortably sleeping in. "Hurry because you'll all be late and by the looks of it none of you have packed and you three need showers to get the stink of vodka off from your bodies" she laughed.

Maddie, Fred and George exchanged scared looks and a second later the twins had already disapparated to their room. Dora had helped Maddie pack while she got ready so she wouldn't look like a mess and raise suspiciousness of how hungover she really was. While she was getting dressed, Madeleine remembered what Fred had told her the night before and threw on the skirt she knew he loved.

"Well it's all packed Mads, not the neatest but at least it's there", Tonks shrugged and ruffled Maddie's hair before leaving the room.

Madeleine could hear Mrs Weasleys shrieks as she hurried the lot to get to the kitchen so that they could get to the platform on time. Before she could levitate her trunk to get downstairs, she looked back to a grinning Regulus sitting on the bench.

"Bye Reg, I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too, but remember that you can call me anytime you want, just think about me and I'll be there" he smiled softly and vanished into thin air.

Maddie was carefully levitating her trunk and handbag down the stairs when she crossed paths with Fred and George who looked just as bad as she did. The two of them had bewitched their trunks but instead of levitating them like Maddie was doing, they made them fly not really paying attention to their surroundings.

For a split second they looked at each other and groaned but then a huge thumping sound rang in their ears as well as two different voices screaming from down the stairs. Fred and George had lost their focus and both their trunks had hurtled straight into Ginny and Clotilde, knocking both through two flights of stairs. Maddie looked at them terrified when she heard Mrs Weasley shouting the twins' names so she gave them one last look and apparated into the kitchen.

Molly's screams were combined with Walburga's portait ones, were creating such a cheerful ambiance to start the morning on the right foot. When she got to the kitchen, Madeleine realized that apparating was not one of her brightest ideas as she felt her empty stomach twirling around waiting to empty itself on the kitchen's sink. Luckily it didn't happen but when she turned around, Sirius and Remus were looking at her trying to hide their laughter.

"Coffee Maddibear? Looks like you need it", Sirius chuckled and poured her a cup of black liquid.

"Yes pleas-" she began but was interrupted when Molly got into the kitchen telling her that there was no time for breakfast since they were all already late.

"Well you two are already here so Remus and Tonks are taking you first, and leave your luggage. Alastor will take care of it" Mrs Weasley said to Harry and Maddie who absently nodded in response.

She looked back to Remus and the big black dog was sitting instead of Sirius on the chair. After a scolding from Molly, Sirius decided to tag along anyways and walked along his godson and god daughter out of Grimmauld Place. Tonks was walking next to Maddie, followed by Remus, Harry and Padfoot who was now chasing his tail and running after cats on the streets. There was a tinkling sound coming from Maddie's bag which made Remus and Dora suspicious. They ignored it for a little bit but when it started again, they became curious of the sounds emitting from the bag she was carrying.

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