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Mature content, viewer discretion is advised.

"I don't think I've ever hated someone as much as I hate Umbitch and Snape" Lee groaned as he stood in the Potions doorway with Lizzie and Alicia waiting for Madeleine to come out.

"Nah, I would say Marcus Flint and then Umbridge" Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, do you remember in third year when he gave you a concussion" Lizzie chuckled.

"It's not funny Elizabeth, I spent two weeks in the hospital wing!" Ali scoffed.

"Archambeau, I do not care about your excuses you will do as I say" Snape said from his desk not even bothering to look at Madeleine as he looked through some papers.

"Professor I don't have the time to tutor someone else, I'm already tutoring two fifth years on potions for their OWLs and I take seven more advanced classes besides yours" she said desperately trying to get Snape to not force her to tutor someone else.

"I don't care if you don't have the time, you will make the time or I will not allow you to come back to my classroom" he said in his monotone voice.

"Fine, who is it" Madeleine said trying to hide the anger in her voice.

"Your class partner, Mr Pucey"

"Fine, just give me a day to reorganize my schedule and I'll go look for him" she said through gritted teeth and stormed out of the classroom, heading straight to the library.

Madeleine stomped to the great hall for dinner carrying several books and parchment on her arms. She threw everything on the table and took the parchment that had her entire timetable and free spaces and she began scratching and making modifications so that she could fit tutoring Pucey twice a week in the afternoon. She completely ignored all the glances she was recieving from her friends as she crossed out the few free periods she had left with her eyebrows scrunched and her eyes filled with rage.

"Why are you doing homework during dinner?" George asked her. She looked up at him and took a deep breath slamming her quill on the table breaking the tip.

"I'm not doing homework, I'm reorganizing my fucking life because Snape is forcing me to tutor Pucey which I don't have time for but I'll have to make the time and I'm freaking out because I'm already tutoring Neville and my sister twice a week and I have to do homework for eight fucking classes and study for those eight fucking classes and I have to get perfect marks in my NEWTs and oh God I haven't had sex in so long, I need to have sex or else I'm going insane" she snapped and with a wave of her wand she fixed her quill and kept writing on the parchment.

"What's with Frenchie?" Fred grinned and sat next to her.

"She's having a nervous breakdown" Alicia said quietly to him.

"Mads why don't you take a break and have some dinner?" Lizzie smiled softly.

"I'm all done, I'll just go tell Pucey the times that work for me" she sighed and stood up and to the Slytherin table where she could see him talking to his friends. Once she arrived, they quieted down at Montague's orders and she recieved odd looks from the seventh year Slytherin girls.

"And to what do we owe the pleasure for this unxpected visit gorgeous, came to accept my offer?" Montague smirked at her.

"Never going to happen and if you keep it up with comments like those I won't have any trouble whatsoever setting you on fire with my fucking mind so if I were you jerk, I would keep my mouth shut" she said angrily.

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