17. Blew

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"Are you looking for something in particular, miss?" I heard the voice of the employee calling me, and I stopped my search in vain on the section that read Rock and that had plenty of vinyl from well-known bands.

"Uhhmmm... actually yes. I'm looking for an EP called Bleaching...?" I said with difficulty since I wasn't sure that was the name.

"Uhhmmm... I don't think I have something with that name though we have something similar... maybe if you tell me what genre is it?" The boy asked me.

"I- they play rock... Let me check..." I answered and started to search for a piece of paper on my coat's pocket, where I had the name of the band and the EP. "Done... Nirvana. Nirvana is the band!" I said excitedly.

"Oh! You mean Bleach" He told me smiling and I blushed for my little mistake.

"Yes! That's right... I messed up everything" I said, giggling a little.

"It's ok... follow me please" He said and I followed him until we stopped in front of another section that had a sign that read Local Alt.

I watched in silence how this guy started to check the records until he pulled out one and then gave it to me. It had an inverted photography with three guys playing the shit out of whatever they were performing. Over the picture I could read in white letters "Nirvana" while underneath it was printed "Bleach".

"Well, I guess this is it... I'm taking it" I said and the guy smiled, but soon he started to walk towards the counter.

"A lot of people like Nirvana you know? They're really good"

"I haven't heard any of them but... I have to photograph them at tomorrow's night gig so I needed to do my research first, it's for my job" I said shyly as he told me the price and I put out some dollars.

"That's awesome! They're very talented and kind of wild... I think you're gonna enjoy the show"

"Well, let's hope that" I said as he gave me my record in a bag.

"God luck!" He told me.

"Thanks, see ya'" I said as I made my way out of the record store.

It was around 7 pm and it was raining more than usual in Seattle since it was already September; the streets were wet and had some yellow-reddish leaves attached to the floor due to the humidity and of course the whole atmosphere was chilly. On the following days I would join Soundgarden in Manchester for the rest of the European leg, but before leaving I had a task from the magazine that included photographing a band from Olympia called Nirvana.

I didn't know anything about this band, but as I always liked to be prepared, I decided to purchase their EP that a friend of mine told me it was awesome. The September issue of the Rolling Stone magazine with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards on the cover was going to be out within a few days, and I was excited about it because everybody, including them, loved the photos.

I was feeling more and more comfortable with my job as a photographer, though sometimes it was a little bit tiring, but I could handle it perfectly. Things with Chris were perfect again after London, and he and the guys were thrilled that I would travel with them, but I was more nervous than excited.

All my thoughts came to an end when I got home, to find the place alone since Andy told me he was going to arrive late that day, so I left the record on the small coffee table of the living room and went to my bedroom to get comfier warm clothes and footwear.

When I went downstairs again, I went straight to the record player and put on the vinyl, turning up the volume enough so I could hear it til' the kitchen; I was surprised immediately when I heard that raw heavy bass opening the album, followed by the strong guitar and drums. I went to the kitchen where I started to cook some easy and quick meal, as a bright smile appeared on my face as soon as I heard that raspy strong voice singing.

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