8. Hallucinogenics

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"What do you want?" I asked, clearly scared.

"I- I'm sorry it wasn't our intention to scared you... I'm Kim, this is Matt and this is Hiro"

"Hello" I heard the blonde one saying.

"Hi" Hiro said this time.

"Hello..." I answered, still a little bit scared.

"So... are you Florence?" Kim asked me again.

"Y-Yeah, yes... Why? Who... who are you? I mean, how do you...?"

"We're Chris' bandmates in Soundgarden" Matt said this time.

"Oh, alright...?"

"We need your help" Hiro said this time.

"W-What happened?" I asked, now curious.

"Well you see, we were in the middle of our gig at the Off  Ramp and suddenly a stupid fight began between two of the people of the café but soon it became like a pitched battle, I swear it was a fucking mess everywhere! And then, we continue playing and for a moment it was funny seeing all this, until the stupid cops arrived and started to arrest people... and... one of those was Chris" Matt ended.

"What? So... Is Chris in jail?"

"Yeah... well, not like in jail  but still under arrest or something" Kim tried to explain me.

"Uhhmmm... Do you need money to pay the bail?" I asked them.

"Well... yeah... I mean we collected some dollars; we don't need that much" Matt told me this time.

"Don't worry, I'll give you the rest" I said, starting to look at my purse.

At this point I didn't know if they were actually the bandmates of Chris or just some random guys that wanted my money.

"And... we need another favour, Florence" Hiro added this time. I stopped looking in my purse and looked at them in a serious way.

"What is it?"

"We need you to be the one who goes to the police station, ask for Chris and pay the bail... I know you don't even knows us but you're the closest person to Chris we found at the moment... and also you look like a decent woman... We can't go to the police station... I mean... we don't look like your usual decent guys" Kim explain to me with a chuckle.

"I'll go to the station with you" Matt said this time.

It was a lot of info in such a short time; I thought that maybe I shouldn't trust them but at the same time I remembered their names matched with the band members of Soundgarden that Chris once told me.

"Alright, I'll do it... just let me leave these things in the apartment" I told them, pointing at my equipment.

"Sure" They answered and I opened the door, as I offered them to go in, but they decided to wait for me outside.

I ran to my bedroom and left my things on my bed, as well as I took more money just in case that we needed more. I ran again to the exit and I told the guys I was ready, checking that I closed the door correctly.

The guys told me we were going in Hiro's car, so we all went to the car and some minutes later we arrived to the location, but Hiro parked the car on the previous street, so Matt and I walked a little.

When we arrived, I took a deep breath, because goddam how I hated the shitty police, but I calmed myself and opened the door, as I walked to a small place where a cop was standing, as he was a kind of receptionist.

"Good night" He greeted us and Matt answered in the same way.

"Good night... uhhmmm... We're here because we are going to pay the bail from a person that was taken at the Off Ramp"

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