20. You've Got The Love

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I hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day (in case you celebrate this date). Personally, I never celebrate Valentine's, since I think we can celebrate friendship and love every day, but it doesn't bother me either. There's some small nods in this chapter to a friend called Ashley who is Stone's number 1 fan and his scrunchie, and also to the great thumbingmyway that loves Jerry and AIC and has an amazing story about it. This chapter basically celebrates love and friendship, so, I hope you like it; I also want to thank to all of you who read, comment and votes in this story 🥺 (special shout out to the amazing SpiritualBahar who writes beautifully 💖). 

Take care and wear a mask if you go out! Have a nice week! X ❤️❤️❤️❤️

"It's an awful video" Chris said with a chuckle.

"Of course no! You all look great!"

"Aww babe, I know you love me a lot" He answered and we both laughed.

"I mean it... Jason seemed a little bit stiff but overall, you all seemed like having fun destroying things in that old factory"

"I think Jason's stiffness was because it was very polluted, I swear we all gonna get cancer from it and die" He added and I couldn't stop laughing.

"You're such a drama queen when you want, Cornell" I answered still laughing, but he remained in silence until he spoke again.

"I miss you so much"

"I miss you too, babe... but you'll be back soon"

"Only for a few days and then I'll have to go away again... fuck" I could hear the tediousness and irritation in his voice.

"It's ok, we're gonna make it work... like we always do" I said softly.

"I know but... is just... I couldn't even be there to helping you move. I barely could choose the house with you and that makes me angry" He sounded frustrated.

"Don't worry about that, we have everything covered here"

"Are they helping you?"

"Since day 1. They're terrific, so, today we have a special reunion"

"How are they?"

"They're ok... though..." I made a small pause.



"Florence... come on... we don't keep secrets from each other" He added softly this time, and I let out a heavy sight.

"You know... Andy. I think he's getting out of control with... you know... and the last time I addressed this issue he tried to make it seem cool and told me not to worry about... but I can't. I mean, he's our friend" I said, a little scared.

"Fuck... when was that?"

"Yesterday, Chris" I said, and I knew he could feel the anxiety and worry in my voice.

"I understand babe but, you know that the more we push somebody into something sometimes the less it works. Please tell him that I'm gonna call him tonight"

"Chris, please don't tell him I told you this"

"Don't worry, I'm gonna talk to him about this in a very casual way"

"Ok then"

"I love you, Florence" He told me with in the warmest way, and I felt like he wasn't so far away.

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