24. Our Day Will Come

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Out of all my cheesy chapters that I've ever published, this is the cheesiest one, so I apologized if this is kinda cringy, but it's a wedding chapter so I really tried very hard to make it so cheesy, because that was the mood 😩. As always, thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting. I really love to read you and I hope you like this chapter that was made with lots of love 💞

Take care and wear a mask if you go out! Love y'all! X ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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"Can't sleep?" I heard a voice from behind me, as his footsteps on the wooden floor started to get closer.

"Nope... I think I just slept like two hours and then... well, here we are" I said, giving another puff to my cigarette while he sat next to me and we were both enjoying the view from the dock in that cold night.

"Really Florence? Geez" He added in a funny way once he identified the smell of my cigarette.

"What? I can't sleep... What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing... is just... you're not a traditional bride" He added, taking gently the joint from my hands and sharing a soft chuckle along those lines.

"I've never been a traditional woman, you know that"

"Fuck yeah" He answered me while trying to content the smoke in his lungs for a little while before releasing it.

"So... Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Gracie has the loudest snores" He let out with a chuckle.

"You bastard! I'm gonna tell her tomorrow" I answered, laughing a little.

"Please don't, she's gonna kick my ass" Jerry told me with a hint of fear in his voice that made me laugh a little.

"As she should!" I answered proudly.

"So... Flo..." He told now in a more serious way, while returning the joint to me.

"Yes...?" I answered while looking straight to his eyes.

"I need to ask you something..." He continued, still with a serious expression.


"And please, I expect you to be honest with your answer" He asked.

"What the fuck is it, Jerry? You're scaring me" I answered, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Did you... Uhhmmm... Is it true that you fucked Roger Waters in your bachelorette back in London?" He added with such drama that surprised me.

"Fuck you Cantrell, really" By this point both were already dying of laughter, and when we finally caught our breath again I asked again "Really, what the fuck?"

"Look, I just need to know to see if I'm gonna win or lose money" He added in a funny way.

"You made a fucking bet out of this? I swear blondie motherfucker" I answered still laughing a little.

"Hey... I was not the one banging a Pink Floyd member but, if that happened... you're a fucking legend"

"I didn't have sex with him, Jerry"

"Yes! Thank you I just won 200 bucks" He added clearly happy, and I laughed a little bit more.

"How the fuck this did happen?" I said, giving the last puff to the joint.

"Well, Gracie called me that day, when we were having a rehearsal... I think it was very late in London and Grace sounded a little bit drunk, but she told me the highlights of the night, and among those... it was the making out session you had with Roger Waters thanks to an Irish tradition" Jerry added, and I burst in laughter one more time.

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