12. Monday Blues

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As we agreed, Chris and Andy helped me to finish decorate my poster next day on Saturday, and that night we had some beers at home with Jeff, Stone, Matt and Kim; there, I found out that Andy was going to be absent for the whole week, due to some dates Mother Love Bone was going to have in Tacoma and Vancouver, and they were going to leave on Monday morning. The reunion finished almost at sunrise, and Sunday worked as the perfect day off for me to rest basically all day in bed trying to recover from the hangover... dammit, I didn't even drink that much, but I guess I was getting old and I couldn't drink just like in my school days.

The problem appeared next day, on Monday. I usually wake up at 6:30 am, and that cold morning found me in surprise as I opened my eyes without the sound of my alarm clock, only to discovered I overslept, and that I had 30 minutes to make it on time to work, well, more like 15 minutes.

I took the fastest shower ever, and I thanked to myself in silence because the previous day I chose my outfit; I brushed my teeth and then I quickly started to apply my makeup, though that morning I was more focused on covering the bags under my eyes. I did my eyeliner after finishing with the concealer, and decided to apply mascara once I arrived to school.

I let my hair down like always, but this time was still wet, though I tried to dry it the best I could; 7:45 and I took my stuff, leaving the room violently, and running down the stairs.

"Flo-" I saw Chris smiling while he greeted me in the living room as I passed him running.

"Hey Chris! Sorry, going late. See ya'" I said and I left the apartment.

"Fuck"  I whispered to myself as I felt the harsh cold November wind strike right to my face.

I knew the school was just a few blocks away, but I was in a real rush that morning, so I was lucky enough to find a taxi just as I was leaving the apaprtment; the driver looked at me in a weird way when I gave him the direction, since it wasn't far, but thanks to that I arrived 7:55, just in time to go to the open area where my co-workers and I would gather before the period started.

"I thought you weren't coming" I heard Carl telling me as soon as he saw me arriving.

"I overslept" I said, trying to catch my breath again.

"Well, you made in on time so don't worry" Joanne said this time, while I started to apply the mascara.

"By the way... Where's the...? The poster?" Carl asked a little bit confused and I stopped abruptly my activity.

"Shit!" I whispered while blaming myself for forgetting it.

"Hey... it's ok, we can pick it up during the lunch break" Joanne said and my face went bright again.

"Yes! That's right! Ohhh I'm so happy to live near the school" I added with a giggle, and the bell rang.

"Well, good luck. And you, relax... we're getting the poster later" Carl added with a wink.

I said goodbye to my friends and went to my classroom, where I started with any problem; time passed and we were about to start with the small History segment we usually had on Mondays, when one of the kids caught my attention.

"Miss Florence?"

"Yes, Kevin?" I asked as I was counting some photocopies on my desk.

"There's a man outside the classroom" He said and I immediately left my spot to see Chris on the door, looking through the square glass smiling at me.

I tried, but couldn't help to let out a bright smile as soon as I saw him, something that wasn't unnoticed for my almost pre-teen students of 5th year, whom soon started to whispered things.

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