19. Shades Of Cool

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WARNING: A very long chapter, as usual (sorry). Take your time and thanks for reading, voting and commenting . Wear a mask if you go out and take care!!!! X ❤️

"You ready?"

"Sure... How do I look?" Chris asked me, while standing in front of me.

"You look so damn hot... as always" I told him with a smile and he chuckled.

"I hope I don't get hot with this outfit"

"Well, usually Christmas in San Diego are warm... but don't worry, if you feel hot you just take off your jacket, duh"

"Thank god I don't have my arms tattooed" He added chuckling in a nervous way and I just followed him.

It was already Christmas eve, and we were checking ourselves in the mirror before leaving to my parent's house; Eddie wasn't in town since he was gonna spend the holidays with Karen in Chicago, but before leaving, he arranged our stay at the hotel in La Valencia where he was working part-time as the security guard.

I could tell Chris was dying of nervousness, but he was hiding it very well because he seemed cool and relax, though I was more nervous than him but I tried to show myself in a very optimistic and calm way to not worried him more.

For that warm night, Chris took off his hoops and combed his hair back, while his curly locks were under controll in a bun; repeating the successful outfit he wore in London that same year, he looked extremely polished and formal for the occasion, a gesture that I was sure would soothe my mother a little, and I chose a blue long sleeve velvet dress with black tights and my brunette medium hair down contrasting with the color of the dress.

We took a taxi outside the hotel and then I gave the address to the driver, so the journey started officially; as it was Christmas eve in San Diego there was a little bit of traffic, so we decided to leave for my parent's house a little earlier.

There was silence in the backseat of the taxi, as I noticed Chris lost in his thoughts while having a glance of the city; we were holding hands, but our minds were far away, and I knew it was all because of the dinner. I stopped thinking more when I heard in the radio the beginning of "River"  by Joni Mitchell.

How I loved Joni and how I loved that song, and even when it wasn't a Christmas song, it was very popular during that time of the year. I started to sing very quietly, but the driver could hear me, so he turned up the volume a little as we exchanged an instant shy smile and gaze through the rearview mirror and then he continued looking at the red light as I dedicated my view to the scenery that my window was providing me.

I kept singing almost whispering, enjoying the city lights as I suddenly felt melancholic... having some random memories from my youth and my time spent in San Diego, recognizing some places, remembering the way back to my mother's house in Eddie's company and other friends, and briefly longing for a life and a time that didn't belong to me anymore and that never was going to come back.

The song ended and I turned around to see Chris already looking at me with a sweet smile on his face; I turned around to hide my sudden blush and I found myself feeling embarrassed like the first stages of our relationship.

"What?" I asked a little bit irritated as I noticed from the corner of my eye that he kept looking at me.

"Nothing. You sing really good you know?" He told me genuinely and I tried to keep my face straight but a chuckle escaped from my mouth.

"Shut up" I answered still laughing a little.

"I swear it's true babe! You should do some backing vocals for me anytime"

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