13. Fools Rush In

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WARNING: Long chapter

"Hey..." I greeted with a bright smile as soon as I saw him again.

"Florence" He answered smiling back.

I don't know what the hell happened or how, but we shared a short embrace that later became an awkward silence until I decided to speak again.

"And how was it?"

"Very cool, we had a lot of fun and, we sold out the three gigs"

"Awesome! Congrats" I said with excitement.

"Thanks! Hey...I brought you something... Wait here!" He answered more excited and running upstairs before I could react.

Then he returned with a smile and asked me to closed my eyes.

"Ok... you can open them now" He said, and I found his hands lending me a small box wrapped in a nice golden paper.

It felt a little bit heavy, so I supposed it was some stuff made of glass.

"Open it..." He told me in an animated way.

"Ok..." I said, unwrapping it careful not to destroy the whole paper.

"No way!!!! It's perfect! Another one for my collection! I mean, it's not like I have a lot but, I'm starting my collection. Thank you so much, Chris!" I told him and we shared another short hug.

"Andy told me you collect snow globes from cities so... I guessed you didn't have one from Olympia and when I saw this one, I thought of getting it for you" He added, weirdly shy.

"Yes... I love snow globes. Thank you, really" I finished with a smile

After I placed my snow globe with the others on my bedroom's desk, we had lunch together, where we talked about the gigs and all they did; then, I returned to my bedroom, and try to rested a little, but it wasn't possible due to my anxiety for my date with Chris that night.

Time passed, and as the time to go out was approaching I decided to make everything with time, so I took a relaxing bath while listening to Coleman Hawkins and then I began my usual post-shower routine which consisted in hydrate my skin and started to apply my makeup, deodorant and perfume.

I had the rest of the week to choose my outfit, but it was already Friday afternoon and I was still struggling with my possible options, a situation that was almost ending with my patience. In the end I decided to go with a nice outfit without overdress, so my choice was a pair of jeans, my black doc marten, and a black long sleeve turtleneck shirt, with my usual makeup and my hair down.

I applied a little bit of perfume for the last time, I looked at myself in the mirror feeling pleased with my appearance and then a knock on the door caught my attention.

"Florence? Are you ready?" I heard Chris asking me from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, coming" I answered while grabbing some money and placing it on my small purse, along with some cigarettes, my mints and the keys.

"Done" I said opening the door and seeing his smile, at the same time I turned off the lights and closed my bedroom's door.

We went downstairs until we left the apartment, and once we were outside, he led me to his car, being this the first time, we would go somewhere in it since the previous occasions were just random gatherings with a lot of alcohol involved and he was a responsible driver.

He opened the door for me, something that made me blush a little, and I answered with a shy "Thank you"  while he got into the car and started to drive not before giving me a smile; it was a chilly night, but not extremely cold, so I rolled down the window and I enjoyed the fresh air on my face and hair.

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