9. Magic Man

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WARNING: Long Chapter

Things between Chris and I continued as usual, only with the difference that he didn't ask me out anymore, and now his flirty ways towards me were rare. Another month passed and Andy returned home, so I didn't feel so weird around Chris anymore.

Certain day in early October

"Hey Chris, can you open the door please? I'm kind of busy here" Andy asked, as he was fixing the kitchen sink.

"Sure" Chris answered and went to the door.

"Susan... Hi..." He greeted her and let her in.

"Hi Chris" She answered as they both shared a kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were still in Thailand" Chris asked a little bit confused.

"Yeah well, William and I had to stop our honeymoon because my band is going to release their debut album and we still don't have the packaging... we're in a rush" She said, a little bit angry.

"I know..."

"Heeey! Susan" Andy left the kitchen and they greeted.

There, the three of them started to talk about the emergency reunion that was about to happen once the rest of Soundgarden arrived; the problem was that their debut album was scheduled for the end of the month, and as Susan announced, they didn't even have the cover art, and they really needed to hurry up with the packaging.

Once Matt, Hiro and Kim arrived, all of them started with the reunion, and even Andy was allowed to be part of it because everybody knew he provided good ideas.

"Well, we can use one of the photos of our previous gigs" Matt added, and the rest agreed.

"The label wants a real photographer for the cover, so, I was thinking about your roommate" Susan said, looking at Chris, who looked at her confused.


"That's right! She's an amazing photographer" Andy said, excited.

"I know" Susan answered.

"Well, I've seen some photos taken by her and she's good so... I think it's cool" Hiro added this time.

"What do you guys think?" Susan asked to Matt and Kim, who agreed because they knew me  and trusted in my work that only have seen in some magazines.

"Wait, you don't even know her" Chris added, as everyone looked at him with a weird expression.

"Well, you're right, I still don't meet her but I know her work and she's very good... plus, she was one of the three photographers de label suggested" Susan added.

"Ok then... Now we have to wait if she accepts or not" Chris said.

"Why are you saying that? Did you do something to her so she wouldn't accept to work with us?" Kim was quickly to say as the rest of them just waited anxiously for an answer.

"What? No... I- I just say it because she's always too busy" Chris added.

"Well that's true... she's also a teacher... so she's a busy woman" Andy added.

"Well, let's hope she can have time for us... I'll make an appointment with her" Susan added.

"You can meet her here..."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I still have to talk her to talk calmly and discuss the deal... this is business, dear Matt" Susan answered, and they just nodded in silence, as they knew she was right.

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