6. Gods & Monsters

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WARNING: Long chapter 

Two weeks had passed since that weird moment in the kitchen when we had dinner, and I was doing better at concealing my nervousness when Chris was around; talking about him, I also made sure to act more distant and nonchalant, and luckily, I think it was working because we didn't have too much interaction.

Maybe it was due to our different schedules and jobs, but he tried a couple of times to ask me out, though I always declined by saying I had a lot of work to do; deep down inside I wanted to hang out with him, but it was a brand new start for me, and honestly I didn't want to fuck up things in any way, especially with my roommates... and I was well aware how thing could end up with Chris and me, so I decided to just let it pass.

Certain day after school, I noticed Jerry was waiting for me outside the building, and I thought maybe something bad had happened in the apartment because his expression was serious, but he explained to me that he just wanted to talk to me about something, so we went to a small café near the school, and the real talk begun.

"Why do you want to meet them so badly? I mean, they're excellent musicians and Axl Rose has a great voice but trust me... he's almost all the time an asshole" I told him over a cup of coffee.

"I... It's just... Alright, I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I have a demo tape and I want to give it to Axl" Jerry told me and I felt a little bit bad because I knew there was a high chance that Axl didn't pay attention to the tape, but I didn't want to let him down either.

"Look, I'm gonna get you a press pass for the gig, ok?" I told him and he smiled brightly.

"Yes! Thank you, Flo!" He added excited.

"Just one thing Jerry... I want you to be very aware that Axl might not listen to the tape, not because you're not a talented band, but because he's... Axl. I met him last year and I know what I'm talking about. Maybe he does the opposite, and that would be a nice surprise, but just consider that possibility... Ok?" I told him in the most polite and soft way possible.

"Ok, I'll do. I promise"

"Alright... well, let's go home so I can take your picture for the pass" I told him as he smiled and we paid the check.

When we arrived home, there was no sign of Chris, so I just took Jerry's portrait and we chatted a little bit more about his fake job as my assistant, until it was time for him to go, since he had rehearsal with the band.

I called to the office and explained everything about Jerry's task with me, and they accepted immediately; the information of Jerry was submitted that very same day, so his pass would be ready before the concert, and that afternoon I went to a small office of the magazine recently opened in the city and delivered Jerry's photo.

A day before the gig, I was supposed to go to the office to get our passes, but I decided to get home before and then visit the office later. However, when I arrived, I found out that going out again wasn't necessary anymore.

"Hey..." I heard Chris greeting me as he was coming downstairs.

"Hi Chris" I answered as I was closing the door.

"How was today?"

"Tiring as usual but good, thanks... What about you?"

"The usual, a good rehearsal" He answered me with a smile.

"That's good"

"Hey... by the way, this came for you in the morning" He told me, giving me a small brown box.

"Thanks..." I said a little bit confused, but then I saw it was from Rolling Stone.

"So... Would you like to eat with me? I made pasta" He told me and I just couldn't say no because actually it smelled great since I got into the apartment.

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