27. Outshined

386 21 90

Warning: Subtle sexual content at the beginning

"You have to come with me" He said while wrapping a leg around me.

"Chris... we're talking about months; I can only take a few days off"

"Then quit"

"What? Are you out of your mind? Did you hit your head this morning?" I asked.

"Babe, I'm talking seriously"

"Me too Christopher, I can't just leave my work just like that to be your groupie 24/7" I said while standing up and trying to leave the bed, though I failed because he pulled me back in.

"But you're already my groupie... 24/7... the only one" He said with a chuckle but I rolled my eyes and remained serious. "Come on... you can take that time and you know it. It's not like you have to be at the office the whole week, your shootings are scheduled by month... Come on Florence... I really want you by mi side" He told me with pleading eyes, those eyes that I could barely resist, while he also was softly caressing my bare body.

"I don't know Chris" I said seriously, trying to ignore what he was trying to do.

"Please" He added with a pleading tone of voice, getting dangerously closer.

"I said I don't know" I whispered back, trying to contain a gasp from his touch.

"Please..." He told me now, whispering seductively into my ear.

"I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work" I tried to say firmly, but he placed his naked body on top of mine and continue kissing my neck, knowing it was one of my weakest spots as his hand were travelling down my hips, giving me chills.

"Please?" He said once again, now with his warm breath on my ear and his hair falling on my bare chest, to then go slowly a little bit down.

"Chris..." I told him in a weak whisper and almost sounding irritated, but in fact I was enjoying his seductive game, although I had to continue with my seriousness.

"Come on babe, come with me... I miss you so much when I have to go on tour... I don't enjoy it as much as when you're with me" He finally stopped and looked at me, knowing he was being honest.

"I'm gonna think about it ok? I really have to check my schedule" I answered with the same honesty.

"Not even for this, would you go with me?" He asked with a smirk, though I didn't understand, but there was no need of words for that.

"Chris!" I gasped and semi-moaned as soon as I felt him easily going inside me again, as he pleasantly smiled. I closed my eyes as it felt so good and he started to move slowly, earning more gasps from me.

"Come with me, please" He said seductively as he continue moving slowly.

"I..." I barely let out in a soft moan.

"I miss you so much... Jesus" Chris said, now moaning as he continued moving slowly.

"Fuck! Ok, I'll go" I let out in a moment of pleasure but he stopped so suddenly.

"Really? Are you coming with me to Lollapalooza?" His green eyes fixated in mine as well as his wide smile as he stopped.

"Yes... I'll go" I answered while my hands were holding his hair to prevent falling on his face.

"I'm gonna call everybody then" He said still smiling and trying to move away, but I trapped him in my legs.

"Fucking hell no, you have something to finish here" I answered, and he let out a chuckle, but then went closer to me.

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