30. Loudest Love

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"You're up already?" Chris asked, clearly surprised.

"Yeah... weird, isn't it?" I said, trying to hide my nervousness.

"A lot... anyway, you want to have some breakfast?"

"No, I'm not feeling very well this morning... I threw up you know?"

"Well babe, you shouldn't have drink that much last night" Chris said while sipping on his coffee.

"But it was the occasion!"

"It was a Halloween party" He answered with a chuckle.

"Exactly, but also it was the engagement announcement party for Jerry and Grace... I had to celebrate with them, they're our friends" I said, trying to justify my alcoholic moment.

"I didn't drink" Chris added.

"Well, it's not my fault your food poisoning"

"Actually, it is... you took me to that shitty restaurant" He said while giggling, while I gasped, pretending to be hurt.

"I won't take you out ever again" I said serious, and he went tense.

"No, babe, I'm sorry it wasn't my intention" He said, suddenly worried and going closer to hug me.

"I like the way you beg, boy" I answered and he gave me that look after burst in laughter.

"You're a bitch when you want to, you know that?" He told me, still giggling.

"Isn't that the reason why you marry me?" I asked proudly, and he pulled me closer while smiling.

"You're evil, but I love you" He whispered, and then kissed me.

"I love you too, but I've gotta go" I whispered back and broke the embrace.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I panicked a little.

"To visit Grace" I said while giving him the back, while getting my purse.

"Grace? You saw her last night..."

"And so?"

"If you ended up wasted, Jerry and Grace ended worse... they are still dead at this hour"

"Well, while you were out looking for breakfast, Grace called me and now I'm going to visit her... you know how stressful planning a wedding can be" I said firmly and that seemed to calm him.

"Well, you're right... just drive safe, ok?" He told me, going closer to kiss me goodbye as I did the same and left the house.

All that conversation back home was a lie, currently I was on my way to the hospital since Dr. Weisz had call me urgently from that tiny problem about my small sharp pain, I had the previous week. Of course I lied to Chris, since he had been extremely worried about it, and I didn't want to make things worse.

I was dying of nervousness, but it was pointless to overthink something I didn't know yet, so I continue driving while listening to my Beatles tape until I made it to the hospital and left the car in the parking lot.

When I got inside, the tedious protocol of checking my appointment on the reception was luckily fast, and then I went straight to an empty elevator; I felt terrible that morning partly due to my hangover, but also because of my nervousness after that call from Dr. Weisz; talking about her, I found her quickly as soon as I left the elevator on the seventh floor, as she motioned me to her office.

There, we both take a seat on our respective seats, as I was dying inside as the seconds passed.

"How are you?" She asked with a sympathetic smile.

Loudest Love (Chris Cornell Fantiction)Where stories live. Discover now