21. Would?

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This chapter was written with a lot of respect and love, (like everything else I've written and published here). Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. Love ya! Take care and see you soon!  X ❤️

"You saw it?"

"Yes! It was awesome! You and Kim looked good and I told you Riki was nice and funny"

"Yeah, you were right... we hung out with him and Kurt after we filmed and it was very cool"

"I'm glad you had a good time"

"And we talked mostly about you" He added with a chuckle.

"I hope good things only..."

"Well, they heard about the wedding"

"Yeah, I told Kurt about it, you know he's one of the guests"

"By the way... did you... receive that?"  He asked, now remembering.

"Yes, it arrived safely"

"Perfect"  He added with relief this time.

"I'm going for the search tomorrow with the guys"

"Really? Are they going with you?" He asked a little bit funny.

"Yes, they're kind of excited. Also, Ashley is coming"

"Well then, give my best greetings to them and... I hope you find something that you really like, remember the budget is free"

"That's the best part! Actually, we're gonna use the money to drink ourselves to death" I said and heard his laughter.

We continue talking until it was time to finish because I was already tired and next day was going to be a busy one; Chris was still in New York and two days before he starred along with Kim on Headbangers Ball with Riki, where there were also Faith No More and Voivod, just like Kurt told him the previous year.

Kurt, Riki and the people of MTV were so captivated by the cool attitude of Chris and Kim that it was arranged a second visit to the show, as Kurt started talks with Susan so the channel could film a special clip of the band in Seattle, maybe in the following year, as next day they'd go to Pennsylvania.

I slept like a baby that night, and to be honest, next day was kind of hard of waking up.

"Are you ready, motherfuckers?" I asked excitedly, looking at them living the appartment.

"I can't believe we're doing this"

"There's no time to be a pussy, Stone... maybe you see something you like and buy it" I said and they started to laugh.

"I'm ready, I even read some tips from a magazine" Andy said proudly.

"Thank you, Andy! See Pebble? This is how you do it" I added with a wink.

"Anything for you, Flossie. I promise I'll try today" He added while placing an arm around my shoulder.

We would continue arguing stupidly, but Ashley's appearance calmed my friend down, as I noticed how he froze and the tension was pretty obvious; that cold morning I had an appointment in one of the most famous bridal shops in Seattle, to check my wedding dress.

Andy, Stone and Ashley were the ones chosen to go with me for my search, since my mother was out of question and my other friends were out of town or working at the school.

When we arrived to the elegant shop, we were received by a nice lady on the door who quickly looked for my name on her list, and then we were guided by another one, to one of the private spaces that the place had, and where my people could seat and relax a little while I would be trying on some dresses that later I'll show them.

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