4. Hotter Than Hell

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A whole month passed in a wink, and I was having the greatest time in my new home. The job at the school was tiring, but I liked to do it, though not as much as the photography; I've had the chance to finally listen live to the band of Andy and Stone, Mother Love Bone and I loved it immediately. It was a very cool band, and I liked the attitude they all had. I met the rest of the band, and I took some photos of them in gigs they were having... I really don't know how it happened, but suddenly I was part of the gang.

Andy and I would often have dinner together, and then he and Stone or even Jeff would help me with some material for the school anytime they visited us, that later we would "celebrate" by buying beers or pizza, or just taking their photos. These guys were becoming my new family, but I still had Eddie on my mind, whom I would call every day to check on him.

Every morning I would wake up early, have breakfast with coffee and usually leave him a couple of coffee for him in the coffee maker. Basically, every Friday or Saturday I was out... whether it was out of town or out of the house in some gig taking photos.

One Thursday night, the whole band arrived to the apartment and that's when they informed me, they were going to leave next week because they had some dates in Chicago; I told them they would miss my birthday and they apologised for it, but they had the great idea of celebrate when they returned.

"Or maybe you can throw a party" Stone suggested.

"I was thinking more of a small reunion with my few friends from here... I'm basically knew in the city so I don't know many people... So, I wanna ask you if it's ok with you that I have a small gathering here?" I said, looking at Andy.

"Of course you can. Don't forget this is your home now and plus... Chris isn't here and we sadly will be out" Andy told me with a wide smile and I smiled as well.

The day of their departure arrived and I told Martha, Joanne and Carl (other friends that I just met at the school) that we would be fine with three pizzas and some beers, and I also told about the reunion to Jerry, Layne, Mike and Sean, whom they ask me if they could invite just a couple of friends and I accepted.

Oh boy... the small reunion turned out to be about 60 people in my living room. Lots of cigarette, alcohol, marijuana (among other drugs) and even the guys of a band called Mudhoney singing live in the room. It was a crazy thing, but it has been one of my best birthdays so far and I was looking cute in my birthday outfit... or maybe was the booze.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the city, Chris Cornell was saying goodbye to his band mates in the airport, as he was trying to take a taxi when he bumped into a guy name Santino, who pulled over near him.

"Hey Chris, you wanna a ride?" Santino asked.

"Uhhmm... sure man, thanks" Chris answered and got into the car.

"So... What are you doing around my neighbourhood?" Chris asked nonchalantly as he knew Santino lived in the other side of the city.

"Actually, I'm going to your place" Santino said.

"What?" Chris asked confused but funny.

"Well, is your roommate's birthday and she's throwing a party"

"She? My roommate?"

"Yeah, Florence... the photographer and teacher..." Santino said, now feeling like an idiot.

"I'm sorry I'm not following you... I don't have idea who are you talking about"

"So... I thought Andy and you were looking for a roommate"

"We are... well... were... I supposed" Chris added, now very confused since he only knew from Andy that they got a new roommate but he never told him more about this woman.

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