29. Oh Flo, Where Did You Go?

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"You feeling better?" Chris asked, a little bit worried.

"No... I'm feeling worst" I said, while taking my hand to my mouth.

"I told you not to drink too much" He said, while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I didn't even drink that much and you know it... plus, since when you tell me what to do?" I answered, clearly annoyed.

"Sorry babe, I'm not trying to control you... is just, you've been weird lately"


"You know... that pain of yours... I don't like it. And maybe the alcohol isn't helping that much" Chris said, feeling worried.

"I was having my period when that pain started... the doctor said can be related" I said, trying to sound relax.

"But it's not like your usual cramps... you told me" This time he sounded kind of desperate and still worried.

"Chris..." I said, turning around to look at him "I swear it's nothing... so please can you relax and enjoy the nice night we had?" I said, kissing his cheek and returning to my seat.

"Alright... When do you see the doctor?"

"On Friday"

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"Not, it's fine... I know you're not very fond of hospitals and is gonna be a quick visit, don't worry" I said nonchalantly while looking outside and feeling the cold air in my face, also admiring the new beautiful view the fall was giving to the city.

Then I looked myself on the rearview mirror, thinking I looked great as Lily Munster and then turning around to see how hilarious Chris looked at Herman, something that made me giggle.

"I'm glad you found your husband funny" He said with a half-smile.

"What? I'm not- I just remembered some parts of the party" I said, trying to change the topic because I really wanted to laugh at his face.

"It was a great party, to be honest" He said, chuckling a little.

"Yeah I know... It had everything, falls from Kim, cringy striptease shows by Mike..." I said as we both chuckled "Drunk conversations about aliens with Sean, potential drunk fights with Stone and Jerry due to fashion choices and many more" I said, still giggling.

"But I know your favorite moment was when Jerry and Gracie announced their engagement" Chris looked at me with a smile.

"Yes!!!! It was beautiful! I love to see that fucker so vulnerable! I know it sounds cruel, but it was cute... and they're perfect"

"They really are..." He added, still smiling and glancing at me once in a while.

"Hey... I'm sorry" I said, sounding serious so suddenly.

"What for?" He asked with a frown, clearly not understanding.

"I know you would've love to drink tonight... I should've been more empathetic with you"

"What? Florence... No, it's alright... You're not the one to blame for my stupid food poisoning. It's ok, babe" He told me, but I still felt a little guilty.

"Well... I suggested that restaurant..."

"Yeah, that's true... Ok, it's your fault" He added while chuckling, as I punched him in the arm.

We were still laughing a sharing a cute moment, but I started to feel so much worse, and at some point, I felt I couldn't control it anymore.

"Shit Chris, pull over please"

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