26. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

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"How's L.A.?"

"Rainy, but it's the season..."

"You don't sound so excited... are you ok, babe?"

"You know I'm not very fond of Guns N' Roses... and less after what they did to Jerry back then, remember?"

"Yeah, that was very shitty but... work is work"

"Exactly... and now you going on tour with them... Chris... promise me you're not gonna adopt one of their shitty attitudes please..." I added and I heard his soft chuckle through the phone.

"You don't trust me? Come on babe, you know I won't... you know I'm not into that kind of Rockstar status"

"You better talk seriously... because if I find out you suddenly have a whole harem while doing coke, heroin and other stuff like that I'll file for divorce" I said in the most serious way, but by another chuckle he delivered I knew he didn't actually believe it, or maybe he just thought my whole idea was ridiculous, but on that day, I wasn't in the mood for jokes or some sort.

"Then what am I gonna say to the groupies that already signed for the tour?" He added with a laughter and I knew he was being sarcastic, but honestly, I wasn't feeling right at the moment.

"Look Christopher, I'm just gonna say this once and I hope you catch it... you don't mess with me, not even with stupid jokes like the one you delivered moments ago, I'm not fucking joking about drugs or bitches. I'm not your roadie, bandmate or whatever... I'm your fucking wife and if you fuck up this in any way, I'm gonna file for divorce without thinking twice, so you better get your shit together during this tour and behave, cuz I won't tolerate it" I said clearly irritated, and by the silence I could hear, I knew he was thinking something to say.

"I... babe... Calm down... I'm sorry, I know it was a stupid joke I... I'm sorry I won't do any of those things... please calm down" He stuttered and I could feel he was struggling to come up with something to make things better.

"I'm glad we made ourselves clear. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get my things ready for tomorrow morning, is gonna be a long day and I'd love to rest properly not only physically but mentally 'cause those fuckers are heavy" I said, sounding more relax.

"Alright, you go rest... I'll go and get some rest too, tomorrow we'll check the packaging for the album"

"Alright babe, good luck with that" I said, totally relax.

"You're not... angry anymore?" He asked a little shy.

"No... I'm not angry... sorry for my mood, is just, sometimes I don't want to work with certain people but sometimes is impossible and that's stressing me a lot. I'm really sorry for all the shit I told you... but I really meant it"

"I know babe, but you don't have to worry... I won't do stupid things and don't worry about the band, everything will be ok, you're the greatest warrior"  He added proudly while I just delivered a chuckle.

We said goodbye with our usual cheesy way, and after I hung up I took a relaxing bubble bath as I needed to mentally prepare for the following day. It was already August and I was in Los Angeles to photograph Guns N' Roses for the Rolling Stone cover of September; I was going to reunite with them three years later after the infamous moment at the Seattle Coliseum when I took Jerry with me to one of their concerts and everything ended badly for my blondie friend.

I didn't forget that moment, and definitely with their reputation that I knew since 1987 I wasn't excited to photographing them, but as my husband said, it was my job and it had to be done.

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