1. Crown On The Ground

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"So, this is our last summer together" He said as we were sitting on the sand just looking at the sea.

"No, Eddie, this is not our last summer together. God you're being so melodramatic right now" I said, already laughing.

"It's not funny Cornelia" He answered me and my laughter stopped.

"Hey... don't call me like that"

"That's your name..."

"Middle name, Jerome" I answered and he smiled a little, to then return his melancholic gaze to the sea.

"Hey... this is not gonna be our last summer, I'll visit you in the holidays and you can come visit me whenever you want to" I said, trying to cheer him up.

"But it's not the same Flo..." He answered.

"I know, but... you know I have to get out of here... and you have to do it too. PLUS... let me remind you how you left me alone in high school when you moved to Chicago" I said, with a little bit of resentment.

"And let me tell you how I came back just in time to be your prom date" He added in a pretentious way and we both laughed until he went serious again. "But I'm really gonna miss you"

"I'm gonna miss you too... but we'll keep in touch, just like when you were in Chicago and it'll work"

"Who's gonna look after me, if you're not around?" He said, adding more drama to the moment.

"You Eddie, you have to take care of yourself. Not Beth, not me... just you, and I know you know how to do it"

"I guess so... and you have to take care of yourself the same way you take care of the others, including me"

"I will... You're the worst older brother I've ever had, have I ever told you that?" I said laughing again.

"Well this one was the only one available, sorry" He answered me as we hugged.

"I'm joking... I know I'm the big sister here but, you're a terrific adoptive brother... the best I could ever have" I said and we smiled.

"Shall we go?" He said, as we heard the waves crashing.

"Let's go then" I answered smiling, as we both ran to the sea with our surfboards.

It wasn't going to be our last summer, but definitely the beginning of something.

Name's Florence Cornelia Vanderbilt and I was born in L.A. in 1968, being the only child of the marriage of Greta and John Vanderbilt lll; we moved to San Diego when I was three, and my family was always known for being one of the wealthiest families in the county, something that somehow embarrassed me and one of the reasons why I was bullied in school.

Talking about school, other reasons why people would bully me was because I've always being a nerd and that led me to start school earlier than the rest of the people; by the time I got into college I was only 16... but let's get back a little more.

I met Eddie in San Dieguito High School, when he was almost a senior and I was just a junior high. I normally would eat alone in the backyard of the school, so I could eat my lunch in peace; the rest of the students would always call me freak because I was intelligent or nerd, or ugly, among other shitty things.

That day wasn't different than the others, just that, when I finished my meal, I rested a little just there, looking at the trees and feeling the soft sun on my face until somebody decided to interrupt me. 

"Hey freak, stop daydreaming" I heard and I opened my eyes, only to see the disgraceful face of Billy Johnson, the number one bully in the school, with his stupid gang.

I ignored him and went to throw the garbage in the can, but he followed me.

"Hey freak, I'm talking to you!" He said again, and I was starting to get mad.

"FREAK!!" He shouted this time and I lost it.

"Fuck you Billy" I said loud and clear, as I also heard the gasp of the people that were around and didn't notice they've already gathered.

"What did you say?" Billy asked again.

"I think you heard her, Billy" I heard someone else saying that, and as I turned around, I saw it was Eddie, only that, at that moment I didn't know it was him.

"Come on man, we're just having fun" Billy added.

"Just leave her alone" Eddie said.

"Why? Oh... is she your girlfriend?" Billy said this time, as the rest of the people just laughed and Eddie remained serious. I knew Eddie was about to beat him but that wasn't possible, because something came over me and I did it before him.

"Shut the fuck up already, you stupid brat" I shouted, but before Billy could react I kicked him in the balls, making him fall immediately, and then I just remember being over him, with my fists covered in blood... blood from Billy's face.

"You wanted me to be a freak huh? Then here you have!" I shouted as I continued punching him, until I felt somebody dragged me gently to help me stand up and I saw that piercing blue look.

"Florence stop it!" Eddie told me. I didn't know he knew my name, but that was enough to distract me.

"Miss Vanderbilt and Mr. Mueller! WHAT ON EARTH!" I heard the prefect calling us, but her voice sounded dull and I just stood there looking at Eddie, until it was too late.

We both were taken to the principal's office, as Billy was carried to the nurse's office and we couldn't say a thing until our parents arrived. I saw my knuckles as they had dried blood, and I tried to clean it with my hands but it wasn't possible; I was feeling so ashamed, but I didn't regret a bit.

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