18. Make You Mine

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WARNING: This is the longest chapter I've ever published in a one-single chapter so I apologize for that, but I tried to publish this in two parts and... it just didn't make sense 🥺. Take your time reading this and thank you always for reading and voting ❤️

On Wednesday I took a plane to Manchester, England, and I arrived at the already noon of Thursday, being received by a happy Susan at the airport, who was excited due to the released of the latest album of her band, Louder Than Love, though on the way to the hotel she told me there were some issues due to a couple of songs, and the album was classified with a parental advisory sticker, which made the distribution a little bit difficult, but the problem was solved after that.

When we arrived, we bumped into Matt and Kim at the lobby, since they were going out because they wanted to take a look around the city, but there was no sign of Chris anywhere.

"You're finally here!" An excited Kim shout at me with a wide smile even before we reach them.

"Hey Kim!!!" I told him once we were with them as I gave him a long and tight hug.

"And there's nothing for me?" I heard Matt's voice complaining as I chuckled and went on to him.

"I missed you too, Matt" I told him and we hugged this time.

"We're so happy and excited that you're here" Matt told me while smiling.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun" Kim added this time.

"I really hope so" I said with a smile.

"Where's Chris?" Susan asked them.

"Oh, he's still sleeping..." Kim added, looking at us.

"You know, he's been a little bit tired and... sad because you're far away... he stayed up all night las night because he couldn't sleep knowing you were coming, but in the end, he fell asleep and... we decided it was better to let him rest and that's why I picked you up at the airport" Susan kindly explained to me.

"Yeah, that was the best... plus, I really wanted to see you" I said changing the gloomy mood for a lighter one... since I was being honest that I also missed them.

"Chris told us you were feeling nervous about this and... we just want you to know that you're not a distraction or anything negative to the tour, to be honest it's even better because Chris is going to be more motivated and happier" Susan added.

"Is he...? Is he ok?" I asked this time, because I felt worry all of a sudden.

"He's ok... I mean, you know... his usual upside-down days... but now he's better, just a little bit tired" Kim explained to me.

"Alright then... I promise to help you in anything I can" I added with a smile.

"You can count on us in the same way" Matt added this time.

"And anything you need you can ask me" Susan added with a smile.

"Thank you, really" I told to the three of them.

"Well, let's go to the reception for the check in, shall we?" Susan added.

"Oh, yeah... sure" I said in a goofy way as I totally forgot about it.

Susan asked the guys to wait for her as she was going out with them too, so when we finished the check in and after I received the key of Chris and my room, we said goodbye and I made my way to the elevator.

Luckily, I was the only one in the elevator at the moment, since I didn't like to take it due to my claustrophobia, but it was a little less terrible when it wasn't crowded; while I was going to the sixth floor, with that pseudo bossa nova music that some elevators had, I thought about Chris and I felt my heart racing all of a sudden, as I was very happy but also nervous for seeing him.

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