2. The Wind

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When our parents arrived, the chaos began. My parents, Eddie's and Billy's... it was going to be a long day.

"Your daughter had a very inappropriate behaviour today, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt" The principal said.

"I was just defending myself"

"That's not an excuse for that, young lady" My mother said this time.

"Billy is going to the hospital!" Billy's mother said, frantically.

"Well maybe this wouldn't happen if you and your husband would educate your son properly" My father said this time.

"John!" My mother scolded him softly.

"What? I'm just saying the truth"

"And... excuse me, what all this have to do with our son?" Mrs. Mueller, Eddie's mom asked.

"We found him with Florence in the middle of the fight" The principal said.

"That's not true! He didn't do anything" I was prompted to say. "I mean... he tried to stop Billy for bullying me... because that's all Billy does... but I didn't hear him and I just started to punch Billy. That's what happened, he really doesn't have anything to do with all this" I said as I just felt all eyes over me.

"Well... in that case... I guess you're dismissed Edward... but you're gonna attend detention for a week, because you could tell to the prefect and just stayed there watching"

"He had that coming" Eddie said, as Billy's mother gasped.

"Edward!" Mrs. Mueller said this time.

"I agree with him, and you should pay attention to that Billy boy instead of judging my daughter and this young man" My dad said proudly to the principal.

"We get your point Mr. Vanderbilt, but violence is never an answer"

"I know, it's not my option to solve things either, but if you want to survive you have to defend yourself... that's what I always tell Florence to do, and I'm happy that she finally did it"

"John Vanderbilt are you hearing yourself?" My mother asked him with the greatest indignation and drama.

"Please... let's not lose the point" The principal said and the meeting continue.

In the end, it was agreed that my parents would cover the hospital feed for the surgeon on Billy's nose, since I broke it. Eddie and I would attend detention after school for a whole month, and I was being suspended the rest of the week.

Before leaving the school, as the psychologist of the school was having a word with me and my behaviour, I noticed how my parents were talking with Eddie's parents and him.

"We're very sorry that Florence dragged your son into this mess" My mother said.

"It's alright... it's not like the first time we come to the school for a problem with our son" Said Mrs. Mueller a little bit relaxed.

"We are aware that Florence is kind of bullied though she doesn't want us to interfere and finally today she used her power. I just want you to thank you for trying to stop the fight, son" My dad said, smiling to Eddie.

"I-It's alright" Eddie answered shyly.

"And again, our apologies for getting him into this" My dad said to the Muellers.

They said goodbye to my parents and Eddie made his way back to the classroom, as he was passing by, I noticed he kind of smiled at me, but I continued looking at the psychologist to avoid any eye contact with him. Later, I left the school with my parents, as my mother wouldn't stop scolding me the whole journey.

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