14. Show me that heaven's right here

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Extra long chapter, but after being so absent, here it is  💟

"I can't believe you're back even if it's for the holidays... I missed you a lot" He told me, hugging me while wrapping an arm around my shoulder, as we were enjoying the sunset from the table of the coffee shop near the beach, after we surfed.

"Awww is Jerome getting sentimental?" I said laughing a little as he released me pretending to be angry, but I pulled him back and we stayed like that just giggling like two young siblings after making a prank.

"I missed you too, Eddie..." I added again, looking at him and with the sound of the waves crashing on the shore in the background.

"Well, let's make this holiday last then" He answered, smiling.

"Uhmmm... sorry, here you are... two corn dogs with fries and... two sodas" The waitress told us in a shy way as she "interrupted" our "moment".

"Thank you!" We said at unison and smiling at her; she smiled back and left.

"Jesus Flo, you realize we're eating garbage, right?" Eddie said almost in a whisper and giggling.

"I know... but I don't have this kind of food in Seattle... well, I do but... actually, I'm eating pretty much healthy" I said as I started to bite my corn dog.

"Well, having a former sous chef as a boyfriend has its benefits, doesn't it?" Eddie asked while looking at me in a curious way.

"Definitely" I said, lowering my gaze and smiling.

"Awww Flo..." He said in a cheesy way.

"Don't start" I told him, now trying a frie.

"I'm not starting anything... you know? I'm really glad to see you like this... you look happy, you know?" He told me, now in a more serious way and looking straight at me.

"I am Eddie... Chris is a nice and talented guy but..."

"Wait... there's already a but?"

"Not regarding him but me... I want to take this slow... because you know how my love stories tend to end" I said a little bit gloomy and taking my gaze back to the sea.

"I know... but I also trust you are a clever and mature now than when you were younger. And if that's so, you're gonna carry this relationship gracefully along with him or, you're gonna realize it doesn't work and leave it before everything ends badly. Just don't sabotage the whole thing"


"Plus... you told me he was cool" Eddie said smiling while trying to cheer me up.

"He really is... he's funny and intelligent, and handsome, and kind, and super tall... geez" I said with dreamy eyes.

"Wow... I've never seen you like this... not even with Daniel Johnson" Eddie said while sipping on his soda and I almost choked.

"Oh please... don't mention that loser" I said and we both laughed.

"I still can't believe you dated that douchebag" He added, now looking at the red sun as everything was going darker in a wink.

"Neither do I but hey... that's what mistakes are for... to learn"

"Huge mistake" He said kind of whispering and we giggled again.

"Yeah well... I really hope you can meet Chris soon"

"I hope that too... I'm glad that you get along so good with your boyfriend. I'm really happy for you" He said with a wide smile.

"Thank you... we make good click. Though..."

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