5. Delicate

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"Hey... are you still alive?" I heard a voice calling me.


"It's 4 in the afternoon"

"What!?" I said, standing up quickly as I took my head with my hands because I was so dizzy.

"Wooo... slow down a little" He said again as I had a better vision and I saw Chris in front of me.

I lowered my gaze immediately because I knew I was looking like shit and it was very embarrassing.

"Your party was a success" He added in a way of pseudo congratulation.

"I- I don't remember too much"

"Well, you got weird after we met so... by the way, I'm sorry if I somehow crossed the line with you last night... I was just joking"

"I don't like jokes" I said, clear and serious, as I left the couch and went to my bedroom because I needed a shower urgently.

Who the fuck did he think he was? Sure, he was damn hot, but that didn't mean I was going to let him entertain himself with me  I thought to myself as I made my way to the bathroom.

As I was taking a cold shower (my best way to wake up for a hangover) I started to recall the events form last night, making myself sure I didn't make anything embarrassing except from my awkward meeting with my roommate... who I could barely stand at the moment. I left the shower and put on some comfy clothes, it was a day off and I needed to rest, but before I needed to clean all the mess of the living room.

I took a deep breath, took my Beatles record and got ready to return downstairs, and so I did; I went to the kitchen where I noticed Chris was having cereal, something that I thought was kind of odd due to the hour, but then I thought it was just fucking cereal.

I felt his gaze following me since I entered the room, but I ignored him and went straight to the fridge, from where I took some water and started to drink like crazy. After my hydration moment I took some garbage bags from the lockers and made my way to the living room, where I first went to the turntable and placed the record, as the room started to be flooded by the sound of "Come together" and I started officially to clean the last night's mess.

"I didn't know you like the Beatles" I heard Chris' voice, who was already standing by the kitchen's door and observing me.

"I never told you"

"Well know I just found out"

"Everybody loves the Beatles, is not like a big discovery" I answered nonchalantly while I continuing with my task.

"There's people that hate them"

"I know..." I answered, clearly irritated. I haven't sleep well, I was hangover and starving... but of course he didn't need to know that.

"I love the Beatles too, and I really like that album" Chris said this time.

"That's... excellent" I said apathetic, not really trying to be rude, I was just feeling really bad and tired.

"So... let's clean this" He added.

"I can do it by... my own" I said, as I saw him already cleaning the other extreme of the room.

"I live here too..."

"Alright" I answered and we continue cleaning while the only sound was the gorgeous songs on the Abbey Road.

When the Side one finished, he was the one who placed it again to the side two, and the second part of the album started. By 6 pm we have finished cleaning and we took the bags to the trash cans outside.

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