10. Love Is A Silent Thief

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WARNING: Long Chapter

After the gig, I worked my ass off with Lance the whole weekend, and we presented various designs for the cover art to the band, whom loved all of them as soon as they saw it, and finally they chose the one with the black and white photographs. We also designed the inner sleeve of the album with more photos of the band playing live.

Susan was more than pleased with our work, as well as Sub Pop people whom approved it that very same day, and the packaging started quickly; that day Susan decided to celebrate by throwing a meal at her place along with William, and though I was invited and encouraged to go, I declined because I was literally dying of tiredness and still had some stuff to do from school, so I went directly home with my pay and feeling happy because of my good work with Lance and the band.

"This is really good William" Kim said, tasting the nice meal Susan's husband cooked for the guys.

"Thank you very much. Susan called me to tell me about the news and I decided to make a special menu for you" William said smiling as everybody thanked him.

"More wine?" Susan asked this time.

"Yes, please" Hiro answered while getting his wineglass.

"I liked the design, it's pretty awesome. And the photos too, but I bet it was tiring" William added looking at Lance.

"Uhhmm... Actually, I did the design with Florence... and all the photos are hers" Lance explained.

"Wow... they're really good. Why isn't she here? Didn't you invite her?" Williams asked to Susan.

"Of course I invited her but she said she had extra work from school" Susan explained.

"She's also a school teacher... she works with kids and has a lot of work to do" Chris added, but the rest of the band exchanged some funny gazes.

"Wow Chris, you know her schedule" Matt added in a joke.

"It's my roommate, of course we know about her schedule"

"Well I think there's something else cooking there" Susan added with a giggle.

"What? Wait..." Chris tried to say, but his soft chuckle that transformed into a laughter made him fail at appearing nonchalant and serious.

"That smile... oh Chris" William added laughing a little.

"You should've seen them at the Off Ramp... man!" Kim added.

"What are you talking about?" Chris asked clearly surprised.

"You two were very busy at the bar until you spilled her own beer on her" Hiro added.

"Did you...? Fucking bastards!" Chris said while laughing, as he realized they were paying attention to his movements.

They continue chatting about me and other things, it was clearly obvious we felt attracted to each other, and everybody knew it, though we were still trying to resist.

By the end of the week Chris announced Andy and me that the band was going out of town; while not a proper tour, they'll have some dates in California, and all over Washington, so he wasn't going to be around for three weeks. We said goodbye with nothing special, just a hug and a good luck, while I remained in Seattle, working hard at school and traveling some weekends to other states to cover some concerts for the magazine.

On the last week of October, the guys returned home on a Friday morning; I wasn't at home when Chris arrived, because I was still working, but I figured it out once I finished my day at school, as I was surprised by Susan.

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