28. Homemade Dynamite

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There's only two chapters left to finish this story and I want to thank all of you who read, comment and vote on this story... you're the reason why this story got so far, I'll always be so thankful to all of you 🥺. See you in a couple of days for the Grand Finale. Take care and wear a mask if you go out! X ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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"What the fuck did happen to your hair?" I asked with surprise, as the smile of Chris disappeared so suddenly.

"What... You don't... like it?" Chris asked with certain fear going slowly closer to me.

He was taken aback when I literally drag him by his open shirt to me, pushing my body against him as much as I could.

"You're always hot, but with this new haircut you're extra hot, which is perfect to me" I whispered to him in a seductive and brave way since I've been drinking, and that always made me a little impertinent.

He smiled and got even closer than we were, making me feel all of his body.

"I am happy you liked it..." He said while giving me a kiss that quickly escalated into a hot making out session.

Then, he started to kiss my neck as one of his hands were starting to make its way up to my thigh under my dress, and it felt nice, but it wasn't the right place to continue doing that.

"Chris..." I said in a whispered as I could barely breath.

"What is it?" He answered, continuing what he was doing.

"We can't-"

"What?" He finally stopped and looked into my eyes.

"We're in the back of a bus..." I said as we both giggled at this embarrassing fact.

"We're literally alone... no one will find us here" He said, trying to convince me.

I looked around and I confirmed there was no one near; it was a fresh night of early September and everybody was having a great time at a considerable far distance, as I could hear all the noise coming from my drunk friends and the rest of the musicians with live rap music in the background.

I looked at Chris who was already looking at me with that hot smile, so I dragged him closer to me, continuing with our moment not giving a fuck about enything else, and that's how we ended up having sex behind a bus. Though it was not the most comfortable place, we didn't care too much because the moment was great and intense, plus, it wasn't the first time that we'd do that on the festival.

After that, we rested a little, and we sat in a part of the bus, with Chris' arm wrapped around me and my head resting on his shoulder; we were sharing a cigarette as he would give me small kisses on my head, until he decided to talk about an issue that had me thinking since a couple of weeks now.

"You should accept, I think it's fair"

"I don't really like the idea... I'm just a photographer and this is a music magazine"

"And so what? You have given them the best covers! Plus, you're pretty popular... people are gonna love seeing you on the cover and you know it"

"I never wanted to be popular" I said, almost in a whisper and hanging my head.

"Me neither, but here we are... Come on babe! Your talent and charisma need to be recognized and that cover I believe, is the best way of doing it so" Chris added in a cheerful way, but I just cringed at the talent and charisma line.

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